Regine Iman Thomas
When I woke up this morning Joey was gone. I don't know where he went but I guess it wasn't any of my business anyway.
I didnt think opening up about what happened to my mother would be that emotional for me. Nor did I realize how much it was really bothering me until I began speaking on it. I really hoped that it wasnt all for nothing and that Joey would feel more comfortable about speaking to me about his woes.
I got up and got dressed to attend a workshop that was going on at the studio today. I wanted so badly not to go because there was a chance that I would see Shameik. That was something that I wasn't looking forward to. But I had no choice but to go because Denzel was teaching. He would kill me if I didnt show up.
I caught the bus and made it to the studio in about 40 minutes. I should have made Denzel drive me since he wanted me in attendance so badly.
I walked into the studio. All of the usuals were here. I greeted everyone and took a seat on the floor.
Since I was bored, I busied myself with twitter.@RegineIman: *prays he doesn't show*
Denzel walked in a few minutes later and I made sure to get up and give him a hug.
"Hey where have you been?" he asked me and I shrugged.
"Around" I responded simply.
"Nicole misses you. She wants you to come over after this" he said. I nodded. I had nothing better to do anyway.
"Are you driving me?" I asked with a raised brow. He better be.
"Of course" he laughed. I nodded and went back to take my seat on the floor. In walked the last person I wanted to see.
He looked at me. We made eye contact for a split second. I wanted to punch him in the face when he came and sat beside me.
"Reggie..." he sang poking my side. I scooted over. He sighed. "Look, i'm sorry. I'm just used to girls throwing themselves at me, so when you didn't I got carried away and offended."
"Fuck your apology" I muttered.
"Regine, look at me. I'm serious. I didnt mean to hurt your feelings. I really like you, aight?"
"Bullshit. I really don't want to hear it. Don't talk to me" I smiled politely and made my way to the other side of the room. He was not about to play me.