Chapter Seven:

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*Dis unedited yall boys(you guys)*

Jovaughn Virginie Scott

"Hey" Regine smiled when she opened the door. Today was the day I was sentenced to my doom. Today was the day I started living with her.

"Wassup" I mumbled and walked in.

"Ummm, this is my place. The bathroom is over there. Kitchen is there. Help yourself to whatever" she said. I just nodded. She was telling me obvious shit.

"Ummm, well I have work. Here's a key if you decide to leave." She handed me a house key and grabbed her bag making her way out the door.

I turned on the tv and put the channel on BET. Martin was on so I was content.

I noticed that she had loads of artwork hanging around her place. The craziest thing was that my piece was framed and hanging right above where the tv was. I was shocked because I didnt really think she wanted it for anything to be honest. I just thought she was trying to have a  reason to talk to me.

After about thirty minutes she came back into the house. My face turned up. "Why you back here so fast?"

"I saw them again" she said.


"The guys that were following me."

Lil niggas werent giving up. I sighed in annoyance and grabbed my keys. "C'mon" I mumbled walking past her out the door. She just stood looking confused. I kissed my teeth,"You wanna go to work or not?"

She shook her head no. "I'm tired anyway" she said and walked to the kitchen. I closed the door and went back to sit down on the couch.

After a while I smelled food. I guess she was cooking. I continued watching tv. She came out of the kitchen with a plate and cup and held it out to me.

I looked at her blankly.

"You dont want it?" she asked me. I looked at the plate seeing what was on it. Waffles, eggs, and bacon.  I grabbed it from her and said a Thank you under my breath. Why the fuck was she being so nice?

She walked away and came back out the kitchen with food for herself. She made her way into her room and closed the door.


I had fallen asleep but a loud crack of thunder woke me up. I looked at the tv guide to see what time it was. I was 2:27pm. I had been knocked out for three hours.

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