Chapter Twenty:

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Regine Iman Thomas

If he didnt have any feelings for me all he had to do was say it. He didnt want a girlfriend....more like he didnt want me as a girlfriend.

I was starting to feel like more and more of a burden to everyone. The fact that Joey still thought I irritated him made that feeling even worse. I seemed to get on everyone's nerves. My mother wouldn't even answer the phone for me anymore. I was sure she was done with me for good.

Probably happy to finally have gotten rid of me.

I finished up my crying spell and looked at myself in the mirror. I was a wreck. Sure I looked fine on the outside, but on the inside I felt like I was barely making it.

When I was done in the bathroom I went back to lay down. Joey was laying on his back with his arm covering his face. I slid into the bed with my back facing him and turned off the light. I didnt turn the tv off. I wasnt sure if he was going to continue watching it.

After a while, the bed moved and I felt him pull me closer to him. His thumb rubbed my hip bone gently and he kissed the back of my neck near my spine. I closed my eyes as a chill ran up my body.

I didnt understand. I wasnt his girlfriend but he did things like this?

I wasnt his girlfriend but he managed to make me feel like this?

Maybe it was just one sided. Maybe I was thinking too much into it. Maybe it was just me. I guess he didnt feel the same.

"Goodnight" he muttered. My heart fluttered. I ignored it and tried to fall asleep.


Joey woke up early to work on his artwork. I didnt want to bother him so after finishing up some work for a client, I decided I would go visit Nicole.

I showered and got dressed in some joggers and an acid washed tshirt. I slid into some puma slides and threw my hair into a bun. I wasnt going to bother with make up. I was only going to visit a friend.

I grabbed my bag and made my way out into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. If I didnt bring one I would probably die in the heat.

Joey entered the kitchen. "Where you going?"

"To see Nicole" I responded simply to him.

"How you getting there?"

"The bus."

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