Regine Iman Thomas
I was tired as hell. I hadnt seen my bed for a while. It had actually been about a month. I spent so much time with Joey that I forgot I even had my own apartment. But tonight I was here because he had an event to attend. He wanted to bring me along but there was no plus one so I came home to get some rest.
I would have spent time with Nicole but she was at home tending to Denzel. He'd gotten out of the hospital a few weeks ago. He was doing well and trying to heal, while also working on his case. Him and Joey's friendship was strong again. I was just happy that things were finally going well.
I was high as a kite watching tv. Or more like the tv was watching me. I wasnt even paying attention.
Why I let Joey talk me into smoking, I will never know. I was now regretting it because not only was I gone, but I was hungry. It was too late for me to go get anything. I really needed a car. I probably had enough to get one by now, but I never really checked on my savings account. I was too afraid I'd spend on shit that was unnecessary.
For some reason my mind ended up wandering to Shameik and Keenan. According to Kamree, Keenan had gotten locked up and her and Shamiek were a couple. I almost puked when she told me. They obviously had alot in common if she could stomach him.
My phone rang, scaring the shit out of me. I answered it, "Hello?"
"Come outside."
"JoVaughn, it's 2am. I dont even have on any clothes" I mumbled into the phone.
"Put some on then" he said.
I kissed my teeth in annoyance. "I can barely move. What kind of weed did you give me?"
He started laughing. "What are you wearing?"
"Are you asking that seriously or are you trying to talk dirty to me?"
"I'm serious."
"I have on shorts and that shirt that you gave me with Bob Marley on it."
"Put on some shoes and come get in the car" he said.
"Take the bass out of your voice JoVaughn. Its too early in the morning to get me turned on."
"Stop being horny and come outside."
I bursted out laughing and hung up. I threw on my puma slides and grabbed my keys.
When I got downstairs, I got in Joey's Jeep. He was playing Gassed Up by Nebu Kiniza. He leaned over and kissed me. I smiled.
"Why are you kidnapping me?" I questioned.
"I got something for you." I started praying that it was food. I was still hungry.
"Is it food?"
"Why? You hungry?" he looked over at me. I nodded. It was quiet for a while after that besides the music. I got excited when he pulled into taco bell. He ordered me what I usually get. After we got the food, he started driving again. I couldnt wait, I began devouring my food.
"Can you tell me what you got me?" I asked with a mouth full of quesadilla.
He continued driving for a while and we ended up at an area with lots of restuarants, small shops, and stores. He pulled up in front of one place that seemed empty. There were shutters on the windows. I got confused.
He parked and got out before coming to my side and opening the door. I looked around. "You want me to get out the car looking like this?" I said with my eyes wide.
"You look fine" he chuckled. I frowned and got out of the car. He was lucky I had my hair done. My natural hair would never make it in this humidity.
We walked up to the door and he pulled out a key to open it. I walked inside before him. When he got inside, he flipped the lights on. The place was spacious and full of paintings, prints, and art supplies of his. The walls were painted nicely and the floor was marble.
"Whats this?" I asked him.
"Welcome to my gallery" he grinned with his arms wide.
I stretched my eyes in amazement. "You're shitting me right?!"
"Nah. Its mine for real."
I ran over and hugged him tightly. "When the hell did this happen?!"
"Tony and Mr. Brown been helping me for like a month or so. Just finalized everything last weekend" he told me.
"Wow. This is so cool. So you're gonna sell your stuff here?"
"Yeah. Probably gonna sell my stuff, throw events, and do like workshops and classes" he told me. All I could do was smile. I was so proud of him. "Stay right here though. I'll be back" he said and walked away.
I just admired the place until he came back. He had something huge in his hands. (A/N: thats what she said 💀)
"This is for you" he unwrapped it in front of me. I almost cried.
"Oh my god are you serious? You really redid the whole thing?" I smiled. He had painted me again. It was honestly even better than the first one.
"Hell yeah. My plan was to give you the first one, but all that bullshit went down. I knew it was gone but it was still bothering me that I never got the chance to give it to you. It means alot to me cause you mean alot to me. And I want you to have it to remind you."
I couldnt stop myself from crying. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you so much. Its beautiful. I love it. I love you." To think that months ago he hated my guts.
I frowned when I realized something. "I cant carry this. And I dont think we can fit it in your car" I chuckled.
"I'll get it to your house later. I just finished it earlier today and I was too excited. Couldnt wait to show you."
"Awwwww" I cooed and kissed his face. He squirmed and sucked his teeth.
"Relax" he mumbled.
"I cant. I love you so much."