Chapter Thirteen - Ugh, Mom!

Start from the beginning

"Louis took them the night we kidnapped you." He drawls and motions towards the door. "I can't help you any more than that. Find a way to get to your hotel and get the hell out of here."

I nod slowly, picking my things back up and leaving the house. He shuts the door after me and I hear the lock click into place. Looking around, I realize my only chance is to steal one of their cars or try to find a ride from someone else. Why would Zayn help me anyway?

Staring at Harry's car I decide against it and begin to quickly walk down the street. 10 minutes later I pass Meghan's house again and sigh. A red car passes me, my heartbeat speeding up. What if Louis drives by and sees me? My pace turns into a run or as fast as I can go with a suitcase and purse hanging from my arms. I make it into the busier part of the town and get a ride from a young man.

Once I'm in the hotel, I waved at the neatly dressed woman at the front counter before taking the elevator to the top floor. My room was located in the very top- the 'attic' if you needed a visual. I payed good money for this room. Taking my own suitcase I empty Louis' suitcase I took into it. Taking my time to fold the clothes I pack things like pictures and important family items on top of the clothes. I turn the lights off, lock the room behind me and leave the hotel. Climbing into my car a deep breath escapes me. I'm okay.

~Meghans POV~

After Ana leaves with my mother I hear my dad enter downstairs. I run downstairs tackling him in a hug almost knocking him down. He lets out a chuckle, telling me my mom is giving a ride to a young girl. Pursing my lips I keep in the sigh of relief until I'm alone in my room again. That was one of the most craziest things to ever happen to me- besides other things. We don't speak about those. I shake my head when I hear my mother loudly enter the house, explaining the stories that the 'polite young lost woman' told her. I walk down the stairs to share a hug with her. Wondering into the kitchen for a few minutes, I hear a knock on the door. I shrug not moving off of the kitchen counter while my mother answers the door.

"Hello. I'm looking for a brown haired girl wearing yellow and white.. I'm her boyfriend and it's urgent." The boy spoke. I narrow my eyes. Could that be... Louis?

Yeah, it's him. I hop off the counter- food in hand- and walk to kitchen doorway.

"Oh! That sweet young girl? I just gave her a ride to a house down the street. She spoke about- oh what was it..- I believe she said flying to see her friend in Cali-" I bolt into the kitchen staring at the boys, dropped food long forgotten.

"Mother, no!" I start, trying to make her understand before Louis interrupts me. He glares at me harshly but the one with curls just smirks in my direction.

"THANK you ma'am. Have a wonderful evening..." He cuts me off with a smug look. They walk off from the door. My mother smiles at me and walks into the kitchen.

"Meghan! Why would you drop this on the floor!" She scolds.

What has my mother done...

~Ana's POV~

After arriving at the packed airport I go through my purse looking for my passport. Pulling it from my purse I dial Angela's number. Letting her know where my car is parked, I thank her and promise to pay her for watching it. Entering the airport I go through security which takes about two hours. Leaving my bags to be put on the plane I finally get to the front desk and hand my tickets and papers over. The exhausted man gives me the papers back and explains how long it will be until my flight. Shuffling over to the waiting area I pick a chair in the back of the room. I keep my eyes wide open.

Another hour later, they call my flight. I grab my purse and walk towards the boarding area when I hear my name being shouted. Whipping around I see Louis and Liam running at me.

"FLIGHT 73 TO CALIFORNIA, U.S.A. NOW BOARDING. FLIGHT 73." She repeats over the intercom. One the boys grip onto my shoulder. I turn my head slightly, trying not to stop. Louis' hand won't move from my shoulder. One of the guards fidget a few feet away from us.

"Miss, are you coming?" He says loudly. Louis turns to him.

"No, she is not. This isn't her flight anyway. She's just a bit mixed up." Louis replies curtly. Liam nods furiously grabbing my other arm. I struggle against their grip, shoving my papers toward the guard.

"Let me go!" I scream. A few people turn their heads.

"Alright, lads. Let her go." The security guard- Paul- says sternly, calling for backup and pulling me from their hands. Shoving me through the gate with my papers I don't look back and run through the small area before boarding the plane. The crew worker politely waits for me to take my seat before continuing to go over the regulations.

I look out of the window, seeing the other planes sitting on the ground. The seat beside me dips. I turn to smile at the person meekly before I see it's Harry. My face falls. Groaning I put my head in my hand. He just smirks. Always smirking. I hope your face gets stuck like that, I think to myself.

"Hi Ana." He greets me normally. I ignore him and wait till the plane takes off to slip my earbuds in, blasting my music. This is going to be a long plane ride.


When the plane touches down, I remove my earbuds. I wait until they dismiss us before quickly climbing over Harry. Grabbing my carry on I rush from the plane. I spot the luggage and run to get mine. Harry reaches over me to grab the suitcase before me.

"T-that's mine." I state staring up at him. He pulls him away from the weak grasp I have on it. I frown, leaving the suitcase with him and instead running to the women's restroom. Locking myself in a stall I call Kate.

"Kate?" I mumble into the phone.

"Ana! I thought you would never call!" She yells into the phone.

"I'm in the airport. Please come pick me up." I sigh.

"I'm on my way." She replies in a stern tone. I pull the phone away from my ear and end the call. Catching my breath then splashing water on my face I exit the restroom. I see
my luggage sitting beside the belt and I look around for Harry. I pick up my suitcase and decide to wait outside for Kate. She arrives quickly in her mother's car. I shove the bags into the trunk and climb into the passenger seat.

Harry runs out of the airport while Kate drives off from the doors. I smirk to myself when he throws his hands up in exasperation.

"What happened?" Kate quietly asks.

"I'll tell you when we're safe."


I tried to make it long. Thanks for reading!

- Laura xx

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