Chapter Four - Little Miss attitude

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~Ana's POV~

I stayed in bed a little bit longer today, just wishing it wasn't the day Kate was leaving. But of course, ALL good things come to an end. And I mean ALL. Louis and I, Kate and I, my father and I, even my dog and I. I've lost a few people... and animals. but I can't complain, more people have lost A LOT more than me. I groan and roll over, tumbling over the edge of the bed and hitting the floor with a THUMP. OH HOW I JUST LOVE HITTING THE FLOOR, note the obvious sarcasm, brain. I slowly get up, popping my back and heading to the bathroom for a shower.

After showering, I blow dry my hair. I pull out my straightener and begin to straighten my hair. I then grab a side part on both sides, twisting them, then pin them to the back so the pieces stay. I spray way too much hairspray. Ha. walking into my closet, I start to hum Chocolate by The 1975. Good song. I grab a long sleeved plain white shirt like yesterday, a pair of blue jean skinny jeans, and one of my grey scarfs. I change into the outfit quickly. Grabbing a few bangles and putting them on as well, I slip my socks on. I grab my jacket, sitting to slide my grey high heeled boots. They are new, so, PERFECT. I grab my shades and my purse. Who says I can't have a purse for every outfit?

I admire myself in the mirror before stepping out into the bedroom. I hear the shower running which means Kate is in the other shower. I can hear her singing. I'll tell you what, she sings like an ANGEL. Unlike me, which we went over. I still sound like a dying cat.


"KATE!" I huff.


"WHATTT ANAAA?" She sings back. I giggle a little.



I sprint downstairs, slipping the shades on and throwing my keys in my bag. I see the cake pop I never ate yesterday on the table. Don't. But I want too. DON'T. I shake my head, before heading over to it and tossing it in the trash. I need to lose weight. Ugh. I smirk and head back out the door.

~Louis' POV~

     Since yesterdays little, problem, I have gained a few friends. Four to be exact. They saw me having trouble with Little Miss Attitude, invited me to sit with them when I had walked back inside in the ruined clothing.

    First, lets start off with Harry. He's a pretty big guy, tall, doesn't look the part of buff but is very strong. A few tattoos here and there. Curly hair, green eyes. Worked in a bakery a few years ago before moving. Next is Zayn. He's the more reserved one of the group, occasionally loud with his best friend Niall. He has black hair, hazel eyes. He brought up running track in high school... Then we have Liam. Although Harry is taller than the lad, Liam seems to be buffer than Harry. He has brown hair, brown eyes. A bit of a nerd- if I had to call him that. Lastly, we have Niall. He's the kind of boy you would expect to see on your TV every hour. Was in drama in high school, played in a "Under appreciated" Indie movie. He has dyed blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and he's quite the persuasive lad. Something about him seems off, though.

After a few hours of sitting with the group of boys I learned a few things. Zayn and Niall have been friends since they were 16, causing trouble until they were removed from the high school and sent to a boarding school by their strict parents. Harry kept talking about his only sibling Gemma- "Am I the only one with a sister who has stabbed them in the arm before, or....?"- and refuses to actually talk about the stabbing incident. Liam went to college, earning his bachelors and getting a job at a Microsoft office. He quit after 2 years due to his fathers death.

     Niall hasn't starred in any other movies after the basically nonexistent indie film, but takes a few chances with commercials now and then. His brother, Greg, owns a huge company who makes phones.  He takes trips over to Ireland every few months to see his nephew. Zayn took a year of art school before landing a job at an art studio. He was fired after realizing they were stealing art and reported it to higher authority, which just landed him in deeper shit. Long story short- he was arrested with them.

I don't know if I plan on going to Starbucks to see her again today. It's 9:08 so If I plan on going, I need to get going. I slowly get out of bed, trudging into the bathroom. I take a small shower and change into a plain black shirt a pair of black jeans. I grab my denim jacket and slip it on, grabbing my sunglasses. Putting them on I grab my keys and put them in my pocket. I can feel the plan forming, and it's a good one. Trust me.

I dial Harry's number waiting for it to ring. I plan on them meeting me at Starbucks to discuss the 'plan' I just formed and I know Ana will be there. He picks up snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, Louis?"

"Meet me at Starbucks as soon as possible, call Zayn and tell him too. Tell him to call Liam, you get it."

"Okay. be there in five." He says slowly. How close does he live?

I hang up shoving the phone in my back pocket. I lock the door behind me when I'm out, and jog to the car. Starting the car up I put in The Fray album and blast it through the speakers. I've always loved their albums. I'm deep in thought when I reach the Starbucks. I park beside a white car, its nearly as big as mine. I laugh a little before I step out, locking it with the push of a button. I walk inside and sit down to wait on them. Harry is the first to arrive, then Zayn, then Liam, then Niall. We all are sitting at a table in back of the room.

"Okay, so why are we here Louis?" Harry asks.

"I thought of a plan, and I need your help."

"And this plan is?" Liam buts in.

"It depends if you all can handle it. Of course it involves crime."

"No problem to me. probably been to jail 10 times." Zayn laughs.

"Get on with it, Louis." Niall speaks up.

Then, the bell on the door rings and I look to see Ana has entered the shop. Just in time. I smile up at her to see her eyes widen at the sight of me and the boys. I laugh and answer what they all want to know.

"Boys, we're going to kidnap Little Miss Attitude."

"Wait, what?"


Thanks for reading, I finally put kidnapping into hahaha. It will get better in the next chapter, okay?


- Laura xx

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