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Yow! Guys, this is your 'beautiful' author speaking xD . Ehem.... As I was saying, this is really an IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. I have good news and bad news. The good news is I already published my 2nd NEW STORY that is entitled "A Perfect Dream" . The bad news is I don't have any readers for my new story. Well, I do understand that because my story is just new and it was only published this past few days that's why I need y'all support for my 2nd story. I wish that you would enjoy reading my 2nd story like the way y'all enjoyed reading my 1st story (Special 2). I can update more chapters for my 2nd story if the readers are enjoying it. So please leave a comment always and Vote. I really need your support Guys ╮(╯3╰)╭ . Also, please follow me so that you'll always be updated for my new chapters and for my upcoming new stories. Thank you so much guys for reading and supporting my stories. Please keep on supporting and share my stories to your relatives, friends, etc....

There are only 4 ways that I beg you to do. :

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Min'na-san domo arigatogozaimashita! (>^ω^<)

o(^^o)  (o^^)o

Sayonara! \(≧▽≦)/

♥ Special 2 ♥ (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora