Chapter Eleven - Missing Starbucks

Start from the beginning

"Youu knoewh I woould runn.."

"Yep." They all say, popping the P as to mock me.

"Cann I haveh some help up dehh stairurss?" Louis walks towards me, picking me up and carrying me up the stairs. I'm completely out of my mind at the moment. He sits me down on the bed and my eyelids flutter closed. I sprawl myself all over the bed.

"Lewwehh.." I giggle slightly.

"Yes Ana?"

"I Luvh youushhh..." Out of it.

"W-What??" He splutters.

"I luvhhs y-youu..." I slur before I fall into a deep sleep, Louis towering over me.

~Louis' POV~

She said it. Maybes shes just out of her mind, we did drug her. I kiss her forehead. I remove her headband and belt, her flats and her jewelry gently. I smile and walk out and down the stairs to the boys. I continue to think about what she said.

"She out?" Niall asks.

"Of course." I scoff.

"I told you it would work." Liam tells me.

"I Just hate she's still trying to run. Clueless." Zayn shakes his head slowly. We all pile into the lounge, talking and occasionally watching movies for the rest of the night. We all leave, one by one. I'm the last to leave. I walk into my room and change, throwing myself onto the bed. I drift off in a matter of minutes.


~Ana's POV~

Waking up, my head felt heavy. My Thoughts were more clouded then they usually are. My vision was blurry at first. What the hell? OHHH..THAT'S RIGHT I WAS DRUGGED. Ignorant, trash men. I slowly get up, looking over at the clock. Its 8:41. I trudge across the room, pulling on the door handle. I need my morning shower. I groan when the door opens. Wait, opens? I stare in confusion until I walk over to the shower and turn it on. I shower quickly, walking back into my room.

I change into some of the clothes I have found in the closet. I pick out a long sleeved grayish white shirt, flowing blue jeans, a simple scarf, yellow earrings and a yellow and white bracelet. I paint my nails an easy grey color. I put on the knitted shoes. They were the kind that were knitted but had a hard bottom so it was OK. I brush my hair out, leaving it down and combing my fingers through it adoringly.

I jump when I hear frantic yells, then the boys burst into my room. I look at them with wide eyes. I gulp, seeing the duct tape in their hands.

"Um..h-hi?" I manage to get out.

"I LEFT THE DOOR UNLOCKED LAST NIGHT AND YOU DIDN'T RUN?!" Louis says, more like yells right in my ear.

"NO!?" I yell back. They all let out a sigh of relief. I'm not going to fucking run the day after I was drugged..

"So are we ready to go get my frappe?" I fake smile, hoping Louis forgets what he said.

"" Louis raises his eyebrow at me.

"Why?!" I scoff, lying.

"You know what I said yesterday." I groan at his comment.

"C'monnnnn!" I whine, stomping my foot.

"Whining gets you no where Ana." Louis crosses his arms. I roll my eyes.

"Fine. You can take me this time?" I smile, giving him a thumbs up.

"No. you're not going." I kick the bed, yelling as loud as I can.

"I WANT MY FRAPPE! AND I WANT IT NOW!" I screeched at them.

"SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT ABOUT THAT WHEN YOU TOLD JOEY!" Louis yells balling his fists by his side.

"TAKE ME TO GET MY FRAPPE RIGHT NOW!" I scream getting up in his face.

"I SAID NO!" He yells back. I narrow my eyes and get closer to him.


"FINE! BUT WE ARE ALL COMING THIS TIME. DON'T TRY SOMETHING FUNNY." He replies. I squeal out of excitement and tackle him in a hug. I always get my way. I smirk and run down the stairs, and out the door. Zayn is hot my trails. Oh yeah, they think I'm trying to escape. HA. I stop, letting Zayn bump into me. We both plummet to the ground. I giggle, standing, running at the car. I quickly get the front seat. They all pile in after a minute, and we are off.

When we arrive, Louis tells me to act as if we are back together. I scoff loudly. They all crowd around me when we walk in. I skip up to the front desk and smile at Angela. She blinks a few times before I answer her confusion.

"OH! We are back together." I nod really fast and tensely smile at her.

"The usual Ana?" She asks, giggling.

"Mhm." I hum. I inch closer to the desk, alerting Louis. He instantly grabs the back of my grey jacket I put on when we left and pulls me back. I stumble back falling into him. I let out a squeak and straighten myself back up. He keeps his hand on the back of my jacket. Angela arrives back to the front desk, handing me the drink.

"Thanks!" I say gently, stirring the straw and taking a sip.

"No problem! Oh and congratulations about getting back together." I hand her the money and wink before we leave. Louis lets the whole jacket thing slide. We head back to his house, me drinking the frappe. 

Maybe if I just pretend, it's like I have a bunch of bodyguards at once. I'm practically famous!


Hope you had fun reading. Thanks for even reading!

- Laura xx

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