Chapter 35

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"Our shadows hold many secrets,

If our walls could talk,

Shades of promises broken they'd choose silence.

And shades theft and violence."

--Charles Pullen, "Shadows and Silences"

Ruby could not have been more thrilled after her visit to Santa's Village. Chris had practically handed to her a way to get into the place and shut down the magic for the Ice King and his followers to enter.

While she had been excited about this endeavor, she hadn't spoken to her friends much lately, feeling sick. She was so much closer to freedom yet even closer to losing her friends. She knew she would be betraying them, and thus, she'd not felt well all week.

Chris had come by to offer her and Mary a dinner with his parents. Ruby had said yes, mostly to figure out how she was going to pull off this scheme. She knew how to seize the stone and get into the cave, but acquiring the keys and code would be difficult.

Nevertheless, despite her poor health and guilty mind, she accompanied Mary and Chris back to Santa's Village not long after for a dinner with Chris' parents. The sun was setting on their journey there, the orange beams of light causing the snow to glitter.

Mary and Chris chatted excitedly while Ruby lingered behind quietly. Did they know the fate that was going to come upon them?

Ruby had spent days staying up wondering if it was the right decision, but she couldn't take years of torture anymore. She had never felt as alive as she did now. If she failed, she'd be taken again, most likely suffering a worse fate than before.

They came into Santa's Village right as the sun had descended. The village was enlightened with twinkling lights and beaming street lamps. In the distance, Ruby could make out the illuminating windows of Chris' home with a gentle steam of smoke rising from the chimney.

"We're having pot pie for dinner," Chris announced excitedly.

Ruby licked her lips, her stomach growling. She'd been so stressed lately, she hadn't thought much of eating. She craved a nice warm meal more than anything.

Chris led them up his porch steps and inside where the smell of onions and meat greeted them. Ruby said a polite hello to Chris' parents, her throat going dry. Did they know she was going to betray them? If her plan worked, anyway.

They took a seat at the table where each was served a piece of pot pie. Chris began chatting with his family, Mary joining in as well. Ruby ate her pie, savoring every bite. As they spoke, she glanced around, wondering where Santa would've kept his key and that code.

"And is your family coming soon, dear?" Mrs. Claus asked.

Ruby cleared her throat, not realizing she was being spoken to.

"Oh, yes. By Christmas," she explained.

Santa eyed her and nodded his head.

Mary began speaking more of her excitement for Christmas and love of gingerbread cookies until all the plates were clean and the pot pie diminished. Santa stood up to place the plates away. As he stood, Ruby noticed the dangling keys hanging from his belt.

Her eyes widened, and she recognized the familiar silver key Chris had used. She needed to get her hands on that key, but how?

"Darling, could you at least remove those jangling keys from your pocket? It's giving me a headache," Mrs. Claus complained.

Santa chuckled. "I keep forgetting to remove them after working." He took them off his belt and set it on the counter.

Just my luck, Ruby thought.

Not a moment later, Mrs. Claus emerged from the kitchen with a chocolate peppermint cake and began cutting slices. Ruby's eyes, meanwhile, were still focused on the key sitting on the counter.

Ruby ate her cake quietly, speaking rarely to agree with Mary and Chris that the cake was tasty. It was a good cake, but she longed for that key so much more. At one point, Santa glanced up at her and she quickly turned her eyes away, complementing both of them on the dinner once more.

After she watched Mary lick the white frosting clean from her plate, Santa grunted and stood up, grabbing his thick red coat.

"I'm going to place my coat upstairs," he said.

That gave her time, but how would she get rid of the others.

"May we help you clean up?" Ruby quickly asked Mrs. Claus.

"Of course, dearies. Thank you so much," she said. They all began grabbing plates, Ruby being sure to grab the last set of plates. She set them down in the kitchen, then spoke quickly.

"I'll be back. I need to blow my nose," she spoke quickly. She stumbled out of the kitchen and back to the counter where Santa had left his keys. He was still upstairs, and being as quite as possible, she began trying to slip the silver key from the chain.

It was hard not to make much nose from those jangling keys, but she couldn't help it. She pulled it closer to the opening and had nearly gotten it when she heard Santa retreating down the stairs, his great big boots thunking on the stairs.

Sweating profusely, she gave the key one last tug and off it came. Quickly, she scurried away back into the kitchen, flustered.

"Are you feeling okay?" Chris asked. "You're all red."


"It doesn't surprise me. She's been sick all week," Mary explained.

"Maybe I should take you girls home then," Chris supposed.

Ruby nodded, feeling the key in her pocket. Yes, going home would be a good idea.

"Well, I hope you feel better," Mrs. Clause said, patting Ruby on the shoulder. She winced and nodded weakly.

They grabbed their coats and headed out the door. Ruby said a quick good-bye to Chris' parents then quickly retreated from the house, wanting to get home as soon as possible before Santa noticed the key's absence.

"Why are you in a rush?" Chris asked as she bounded through the snow.

"I just really want to get home and rest," Ruby explained.

"Me too," Mary replied, yawning. "That meal was great, but I want to sleep for hours now."

Ruby chuckled along with Chris. There was that familiar twinge of friendship again. They headed away from Santa's Village, the key still sitting in Ruby's pocket, and headed home.

I think this plan might actually work, Ruby thought as they disappeared into the dark and snowy woods.

The Christmas MissionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon