Chapter 33

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"Home, for my heart still calls me;

Home, through the danger zone;

Home, whatever befalls me,

I will sail again to my own!"

--Henry Van Dyke, "Homeward Bound"

Chris couldn't help but feel relief as he walked away on that cold December night. He found Twinkles waiting at a nearby street curb, the faint glow of a street lamp illuminating him. 

"How'd it go?" the elf asked. He was wearing his normal elf clothes tonight. There wasn't much point in disguising him. Not many people were out, and besides, Ruby and Mary knew the truth now.

"Pretty well," Chris admitted. "Mary seemed a bit more excited than Ruby but..." He let his voice trail off and shook his head. It didn't matter anyway.

"I'm glad. Let's get home," Twinkles told him.

Chris nodded and walked alongside the elf through the snow. Twinkles jingled as he walked, making Chris laugh to himself. He suddenly felt relief, pleasure, and happiness. It was thrilling to finally not live a lie and to make friends who knew the real him. He let out a gentle smile as the village began to fade behind him.

A cold wind swept up beside him and the elf as they walked through the wintery woods. Chris shivered slightly then continued on his way.

"Hey, Twinkles," Chris said at last. They had been walking in silence several minutes now.

"What?" the elf asked.

"Do-do you think Mom and Dad will let me bring them to Santa's village?" he asked.

The elf paused in his tracks.

"That's a bit of a far-fetched bargain, don't you think? I thought the deal was that they only know the truth. Now you want to show them where you live? Are you trying to get us all exposed?!" Twinkles exclaimed.

"Gosh, it was just a suggestion," Chris mumbled. 

"I'm not your father, but I would say no."

Chris immediately felt frustrated at the elf again. It wasn't Twinkles' decision anyway. He'd ask his parents once he got back home.

They were silent the rest of the way home and gave quiet good-byes once they arrived at Santa's Village. Chris headed toward his home, thrilled to see smoke rising from the chimney. He knew a warm fire would be waiting inside.

He took off his boots and coat and entered his home. As suspected, his parents were waiting inside for him. A dinner lay on the table, and Chris' stomach rumbled. He had forgotten how hungry he was.

"Hi, Mom. Hi, Dad," he said, taking a seat at the table. His mother had prepared chicken pot pie and some fresh vegetables.

"How'd it go?" his father asked, refusing to smile.

"Good," Chris said. "They both took it well and promised not to tell anyone."

"Did they?" his father asked, not convinced.

"I promise," Chris assured him. "They are very nice girls and my friends."

"Oh, leave him alone," his mother teased, nudging his father. "If Chris believes they will keep it a secret, then we should too."

As Chris began eating his dinner, he glanced up again.

"I actually wanted to ask you something else," he said quietly.

"What is it, dear?" his mother inquired.

"Would they be allowed here? To see the village?" Chris wondered.

"Absolutely not!" his father bellowed, slamming his fork down on the table.

"But, Dad!" Chris complained.

"Settle down," his mother told his father quietly. "That is a lot of responsibility, Chris."

"They will expose us all," his father grumbled.

"I assure you, they wouldn't," Chris argued. "You don't know what it's like. I go around town and hang out with them, but they never get to come here and see the magic. They already know the truth, so why not show them more? Mary and Ruby always get to visit each other, but I always have to come into town for a limited time."

His father was silent.

"And don't you want to meet them?" Chris added.

Both his parents exchanged looks.

"I don't know," his mother murmured.

"Fine," his father decided.

"Wait? What?"

"You're right. I'd like to meet these so called "friends" of yours. See if they are as trustworthy as you think. And...maybe I haven't been completely fair, but this is it. You can't ask for anything else after this," his father warned.

"Oh, thank you!" Chris exclaimed. "I promise that I won't ask for anything else! Oh! I love you both!" He rose from his chair and hugged both his parents, planting a kiss on each of their cheeks.

His father's stern look transformed into a gentle smile, and he patted his son on the back.

"Don't disappoint me," he said.

"I won't," Chris promised. "Oh, I can't wait to tell them tomorrow!"

Both his parents smiled. Chris excused himself and headed upstairs to bed, excited to tell Ruby and Mary the exciting news the next day.

When morning rolled around, Twinkles was waiting by his door.

"How did the talk with your parents go?" he asked.

"They're letting me bring them back here," Chris explained.

Twinkles' eyes widened. "What?! Was your father drinking too much hot chocolate again?"

"No. He actually let me," Chris assured the elf. "I...can't believe he let me."

"Well, if Santa Clause himself approves of it, I guess I do too," Twinkles admitted.

Chris walked faster into town than any other day, hoping to run into both Mary and Ruby at the inn before they began working.

"Will you slow down?!" Twinkles shouted as Chris' pace quickened with the appearance of town. The elf was huffing heavily, trying to keep up with Chris.

"You hurry up!" Chris shouted. "I need to tell them!"

Twinkles groaned and quickened his pace. Chris rushed to the inn and opened the door just as Ruby was about to step out.

She jumped in fright.

"What are you doing here?" she asked.

"I need to speak to you and Mary quickly," he explained.

Mary's head peeked out from behind a wall corner.

"Me?" she asked.

He motioned them outside quickly.

"What's this about?" Ruby asked.

"I talk to my parents last night, and they said you could both visit," Chris explained.

"Really?! Oh that's so exciting!" Mary exclaimed.

Ruby had gone pale and quiet.

"You okay, Ruby?" Chris asked.

"I--that's exciting," she said.

"Tomorrow? Will you guys come?" Chris asked.

"Of course," Mary told him.

"Yeah," Ruby added.

"All right. I'll meet you in the morning, and we'll be on our way," Chris said. "I can't wait for you guys to see it!"

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