Chapter 47

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"Wrapped was the world in slumber deep, 

By seaward valley and cedarn steep, 

And bright and blest were the dreams of its sleep; 

All the hours of that wonderful night-tide through 

The stars outblossomed in fields of blue, 

A heavenly chaplet, to diadem 

The King in the manger of Bethlehem."

--Lucy Maud Montgomery, "The Christmas Night"

Chris grabbed ahold of the reins and took off into the sky. His father nearly collapsed down on the seat, clearly exhausted.

"Dad, how far do we have to go?" Chris asked.

"Just a few more houses around here, and then we'll be done," his father explained.

Chris glanced back at his father. He had always looked old, and Chris could not remember a time when his hair hadn't been gray. But this was the first time Chris was really made aware of his old age. His father looked like he was just struggling to stay awake.

"Dad, why don't you rest? You just said the remainder of the houses around town, right?" Chris wondered.

His father nodded. "Are you sure? You don't need a map--"

"Dad," Chris interrupted. He glanced at Mary and Ruby. "We've got this."

His father's face lifted into a smile. "Well, if you don't mind then, I think I'll rest."

"You worked to save us," Mary told Chris' father. "You deserve some rest."

His father went quiet shortly after, and when Chris turned back again, his father was fast asleep. Ruby was resting her head along the side of the sleigh as well, and even Mary was letting out a few yawns.

"All right. He said just the remainder of the neighborhoods around here," Chris spoke.

"How do we deliver the presents?" Mary asked.

"There's a compartment in the sleigh that shoots them into the chimneys of the rooftops below. It's how my dad can move around so quickly. Normally he has a few elves accompany him, though I suppose they were a bit busy tonight, so now it's our job. I can steer. Mary, you can put the presents in the compartment on the side. Ruby," he said.

Ruby glanced up, her eyes droopy. "Sorry, what?"

"Can you grab the presents from the back? I know we're all exhausted, and your ankle is still bothering you, but--"

"I can do it. It's the least I can do," she promised.

Chris nodded. "Well, let's begin then."

The next hour was one of the most fast-paced events in Chris' life. He knew he'd eventually have to fulfill his father's job one day, but it was only now that he realized how arduous the task was. There was the sorting of presents, making sure the cannon was aimed properly, and that he was steering as well. It was in no way a one-person job, Chris knew that for sure.

Most of the townspeople had returned back to their homes and were recovering from a wild evening, leaving the town below quiet and serene. As the reindeer whisked through the air, each house was checked on, and soon enough, they were on their last neighborhood.

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