Chapter 34

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"Over the radiant ridges borne out on the offshore wind, 

I have sailed as a butterfly sails whose priming wings unfurled 

Leave the familiar gardens and visited fields behind 

To follow a cloud in the east rose-flushed on the rim of the world."

--Alan Seeger, "El Extraviado"

Mary sat excitedly on a frosted black bench outside of the bakery, swinging her legs back and forth. She would dip them into the snow and bring up fresh powder with each swing of her leg. The sun shined brightly today, warming her cold body.

Today Chris was going to take them to Santa's Village. She couldn't believe such a place existed and that she was actually going to get to go to it! Santa had mostly been a childish fantasy for those her age. For her he was always real. Living with little hope, Santa Claus was one of the few joys of her life.

Chris told her and Ruby to wait outside the bakery. Mary's excitement had caused her to wake up earlier than normal, however, and it appeared she was the first one here. Barely any shops had opened yet, and only a few people walked her way, wishing her a good morning.

Hearing footsteps coming from her side, Mary turned to see Ruby approaching in a bright red coat and brown snow boots.

"Hey, Mary," she said, the warmth of her breath appearing as mist.

Mary grinned and waved.

"Are you excited?" Mary asked.

Ruby nodded her head, though she didn't seem to contain as much excitement as Mary.

"I'm sure it'll be fun," Mary assured her.

"Oh, of course."

"You girls ready?" came a shout from afar. Mary glanced up to see Chris at the edge of the street. She immediately leapt up and strode over to him, Ruby slowly following behind.

"We are as ever!" Mary exclaimed.

Chris grinned. "Come on. It's a bit of a walk from here."

Mary let out a tiny shriek and followed behind him, Ruby staying near her side rather than Chris'.

"You feeling okay?" Mary asked, reaching out and squeezing her friend's hand.

"Yeah...I....ate something bad this morning. That's all," Ruby assured her.

"Hopefully you'll feel better by the time we get there," Mary spoke.

Chris began leading them away from the lit shops and houses until they began approaching the woods. Suddenly, Mary and the others were far away from roofed houses and surrounded instead by tall pine trees adorned with fresh snow.

"Are you sure we won't get lost?" Ruby questioned as Chris led them through the forest.

"I know where I'm going," he said, smashing straight into the trunk of a tree.

Mary let out a giggle and watched his face turn red with embarrassment.

"It's this way," he said, continuing on his way.

Mary made eye contact with Ruby, and both of them giggled together as they followed their friend deeper into the winter woods.

They walked nearly a half hour in the cold woods. Mary had begun breathing into her hands, attempting to warm them while Ruby lagged behind, complaining that her feet hurt.

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