Chapter 40

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"Christmas is come and every hearth

Makes room to give him welcome now

E'en want will dry its tears in mirth

And crown him wi' a holly bough"

--John Clare, "Christmas"

On a normal Christmas Eve morning, Chris imagined that children would be waking early and anxious, excited for the day following. They'd spend the day eating Christmas cookies, going ice skating, and getting in that last minute shopping. That was not how Chris' Christmas Eve went.

He woke to the sound of elves shouting outside and objects being moved. It was not yet seven in the morning yet everything was being prepared for tonight. Chris climbed out of his bed and stared at the window, noting a light snow falling. The elves ran about in their colorful outfits while the reindeer paced about.

Chris had been desperately hoping to visit Mary and Ruby today, but now, he wasn't so sure, especially with all the commotion going on around here. Perhaps if he finished his chores early...

A knock sounded at his door. Chris turned around as his mother opened the door. She looked tired and anxious.

"I was just coming to wake you up," she said. "Did the commotion wake you?"

"Yeah, but it's fine," Chris assured her. "I'm assuming Dad wants me to start on chores early?"

She nodded her head. "I should probably help too."

"But the doctor said you're supposed to rest," Chris told her, noting her swollen stomach. The doctor claimed the baby would be coming any day, and the last thing Chris wanted was for his mother to get stuck out in the snow when it happened.

"All right, I'll stay indoors. Your father wasn't going to let me help either."

"I wish I had your Christmas Eve," Chris teased.

She rolled her eyes. "There's breakfast downstairs. It's not much, but..."

"Thanks," Chris said, kissing her on the cheek and rushing down the wooden stairs. Some scones sat on the table along with a steaming mug of hot chocolate. Chris wolfed down his meal, wished his mother good-bye, and headed to the main headquarters of the toy factory where his father would be waiting.

Chris trudged through the snow, being careful not to run into any elves. The sleigh sat in the middle of the town, gleaming with fresh polish. In the distance, Chris could see the elves inspecting the reindeer, making sure there were no injuries and that they were in good health for flying.

Chris headed inside the toy factory and up to the top floor where his father's office was. He entered, finding his father sitting in his chair and discussing matters with another elf.

"I don't care what color the wrapping paper is, just get it on the sled," he groaned. The elves nodded and quickly scurried away while his father sat up and rubbed his head.

"Hey, Dad," Chris said.

His father's mood immediately lightened.

"Hey!" he exclaimed. 

"How's the work going?" Chris asked.

"It's busy, as always. I wish your mother could help out this year, but I've got you," he said. "Here are your list of chores, son," he said and shoved a piece of paper toward him.

Chris took up the piece of paper and sat down.

"Is something else troubling you?" he asked.

His father sighed. "What isn't? Your mother's going to give birth any day, Christmas Eve is stressful as always, and there's been no threats from the Ice Kingdom, which is too suspicious. I can't help but thinking that tonight..."

"But security's all good, right?" Chris asked.

His father nodded. "Yes, they're all up to date on that but...ah, I suppose I should just focus on making kids' dreams come true, huh?"

"You'll be fine," Chris promised.

His father nodded. Chris gave him a quick hug and departed. His chores were more difficult and extensive than normal.

But if I work well, maybe I can visit them, Chris thought.

He worked quickly but diligently from that point on, crossing off each task as he went. His only break was a quick lunch and then it was back to work. His limbs ached and he sweated from the work, but it'd all be worth it if he could at least get out for a few hours.

It was just reaching mid-afternoon when Chris threw himself in the snow, simply exhausted. But his chores were completed, and that's what mattered.

He began taking off his thick snow clothes as he headed back to his house, planning to rest just a bit before he went off to town. He didn't think his father would approve, so he was just going to ask his mother instead.

Chris began stripping his gloves and scarf, letting the sweat pour off him. Many of the elves were still working, though a few darted past him, heading straight toward his house.

"Hey, why are you going that way?!" he called, but none replied.

He shrugged and approached the house. In the distance, rapid footsteps could be heard, and as Chris approached the porch, he spun around to find the doctor running to the house.

"Hey, what's up?" he called as the doctor raced up the front steps.

The doctor paused for a moment, as if he were trying to recognize Chris. Out of breath, he huffed, "Your mother...the's coming."

Not a moment later his father appeared, asking the doctor how everything was going. They both headed inside while Chris grasped the wooden railing.

I suppose I'm not going into town today, he thought. He quickly rushed inside to join them, knowing this would be an interesting evening.

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