Chapter 18

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A person who will listen and not condemn

Someone on whom you can depend

They will not flee when bad times are here

Instead they will be there to lend an ear

-- Gillian Jones, "A Friend"

Ruby exited the bakery at the end of her shift, a warm smile on her face. She was secretly thrilled Chris had invited her to do something with him. It reminded her of the days before she was taken, when she had friends who appreciated and loved her. It felt nice to mean something to someone again.

She knew that Chris liked her much more than she did him, but she knew that she needed to get to know people better in order to complete her mission. It was a bit unnerving knowing she'd probably betray these friends in the end, but Ruby promised she wouldn't let herself get too attached.

Worry had begun to spread over her. Christmas was coming closer, and she'd made little to no progress. Sure, she'd made some friends and knew the town well, but she had no idea how to disable the magical border keeping out the Ice Nymphs or where she could even go to do so.

Ruby walked into the crisp night air, chills running down her spine. As she turned to walk back toward the inn, she ran into Mary, who looked as if she were just leaving from work.

"Hello, Ruby," Mary called happily.

"Anything happen while I was gone?" Ruby asked.

"New guest checked in, two more checked out. Pretty boring day," Mary admitted.

"Sounds like it."

"I'll see you tomorrow," Mary called, waving good-bye.

Ruby nodded and was about to walk off when she spun back around and watched Mary walk off.

"Hey, Mary!" she called.

Mary spun back around, her gaze fixed on Ruby's.


"Um, have you heard about this Christmas ball that goes on every year?" Ruby asked.

"Oh, yes. It always sounds lovely, but I can never go."

"Why not?"

Mary gazed down awkwardly at her feet and shuffled them in the snow.

"Well, I'm from the southern part of town. I have nothing to wear, and they're not that accepting of us anyway. Why? Are you planning to go?" Mary asked.

"Um, I actually agreed to go with Chris. That guy who visits the bakery a lot."

Mary narrowed her eyes, seeming displeased.

"Is something wrong?" Ruby asked.

Mary approached Ruby and began to speak quietly.

"I don't trust him, Ruby. It seems like he's hiding something."

Ruby shrugged. She couldn't care less about what Chris was "hiding." She had really only accepted the invitation to get to know more about the town and maybe find out some more information. She obviously couldn't tell Mary this, however.

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