Chapter 43

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"We all walk like everything is fine, 

But we all know we are all mad, 

Mad at the world, 

Mad at our friends, 

Mad at the people we love, 

Mad at the people we hate, 

We are mad at just about everyone, 

We are mad at all, 

But yet we are sad for more, 

We are sad for teen mothers, 

We are sad for lost ones, 

We are sad for people we love, 

We are sad for all, 

Mad Hate Killing, 

Sad Sorrow Tears"

--Samantha Guinen, "Mad and Sad"

Chris sat uncomfortably in a chair as he listened to his mother groan in pain. The doctor was with her, but the birth was taking longer than expected. A sudden chill rushed through the room, and Chris swore the sky darkened.

Confused, he stood up and walked over to the window. He gasped in shock, watching as the stars faded and a heavy snowstorm took its place. This was no usual storm. He recognized it now. This was clearly the work of the Ice Nymphs.

But how had they gotten in? The magical border had been dissolved somehow, but he didn't know why. His mother and the doctor seemed oblivious, but Twinkles, also in the room, seemed to have picked up Chris' concern.

"Chris," Twinkles began, approaching him. "What are you--" He quit talking as his eyes fell on the scene outside.

"It's the Ice Nymphs. They've come. I don't know how, but..." Chris tightened his grip on the windowsill, knowing he couldn't just stand around and wait. His father was delivering presents and his mother was giving birth.

His heart began pounding suddenly as he thought of all the danger his family and friends would be in as the Ice Nymphs came closer.

"I have to do something," Chris muttered.

"We should wait for your father to get back," Twinkles advised.

"You know it'll be too late," Chris hissed quietly at him, not wanting to disturb his mother even more. "I'll go investigate and figure something out."

"Chris," Twinkles warned.

"I'm doing it whether you like it or not," Chris strongly replied.

Twinkles glanced down and shook his head, smiling slightly. "No, I know you will. But be careful."

Chris glanced down at the elf. It was insane how much Twinkles annoyed him, but also insane how much of a family member he had become.

"I'm giving you the special task of watching over my mother," Chris said quietly.

"I will do all I can," Twinkles promised.

Chris nodded and quietly exited the room, planning to grab his coat from the living room and head out. He stepped out of his mother's room, listening to the crackling fire. It was crazy how calm it still seemed to be in here.

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