Chapter Six - This can't be happening

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Right then I heard a knock on the door. I jumped up and slid my little black jacket on and opened the door. I saw him standing there with the prettiest smile, next to Louis' smile. I smiled at him and we walked out to his car. He said we were going to The Ritz and boy was I excited. I pulled out my Phone and posted a few tweets on twitter. I smiled when I saw Kate had replied to one of them. I looked up when we were pulling over. Not in front of a restaurant, more like in a dead alleyway. My smile was replaced by confusion.

"Niall.. where are we going??" I was full of worry by now, scanning my eyes over the alleyway.

"Just meeting my friends." Friends? But this was a date..? I gulped before I shook the bad thoughts out of my head. We came to a stop in the alleyway and I looked behind us to see Louis' car had been parked, so we can't turn around. Holy shit. Stay calm OK? I looked over to Niall to see he was looking ahead at the two figures standing up from the wall. I turned my attention to see the black haired guy that was with Louis and one of the brown haired ones with curly hair. I looked back behind us and there was Louis, with who I hoped was the last one of the guys he had met.

"Whats going on, Niall?!" I was full on panicking now. I unlocked the door and jumped out, only to be grabbed by Curly. I screamed out, flailing and kicking. He roughly put a hand over my mouth. I bit his hand...HA. He quickly pulled back.

"She bites hard!" I quickly pulled my shoes off, throwing them at Louis and Curly, since they were the closest. I see Niall is out of the car, and advancing on me too. I quickly turn only too be faced with black haired dude...or mysterious, and the brown haired dude which I'm now calling Fucker-Number-5. I quickly drop, crawling under the car with a struggle so I'm on the other side and bolted down the ally. I tripped over my feet but never went down. I know how these kidnapping things go and I'm NOT- repeat NOT- tripping. I frowned and started to panic when I came to the end of the ally. Shit. Really. Its just like in the movies. I quickly turned, only to see all of them, shoulder to shoulder, advancing at me. They all had the same smirk on their face. Creepy, ugh.

I ran a few fingers though my hair as I checked my surroundings. Nothing. GREAT! Maybe I can just run past them... I set my plan in action, as I attempt to run around them. I only get a few feet before mysterious grabs me. Damn he's fast. I struggle and kick against him.

"LET. ME. GO!!" I strain out.

"STOP STRUGGLING!" I almost roll my eyes. Seriously.

"NIALL?!" I look over to Niall, with a pleading look. He smirks at me.

"I'm a good actor, aren't I darlin'?" My vision got blurry, as tears started to rim my eyes. Asshole! Betrayer! I continue to kick against Mysterious before Fucker-Number-5 grabs my legs. I continue to scream at them before I'm shoved into the back of Louis' car.

"STOP! LET ME GO!!" I was not the kind to plead. Especially not to Louis or now, Niall. I continued to flail and kick, until I elbowed Curly in the nuts. HA! HAHAHAHA! THAT'S WHAT YOU GET! I smirked to myself before I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. He had slapped me. And I mean hard. I gasped, stilling. No one slaps me. No one. I'm pretty sure I confused them by stopping my movement. I feel wetness drip onto my lap. I didn't even know I was crying.

I then went crazy again, kicking the doors, windows, people... Louis was swerving like he's never drove once, which didn't help.

"CONTAIN HER, YOU FOOLS!" I hear Louis screech from the drivers seat. I'm not an animal.

"IT'S HARDER THAN YOU THINK LOUIS!" Curly yells. Damn right it is. I screamed as loud as I could, busting some eardrums. That's when I heard the duct tape being ripped. OH HELL TO THE NO. I looked over at Mysterious with wide eyes. Being caught off guard, Curly grabbed my arms, holding them behind my back. I squirmed, only to have his grip tighten. His hand was right over where Louis had grabbed me. I let out a small gasp and take a deep breath, tugging at his hold. Fucker-Number-5 grabbed my legs still while Mysterious wrapped the duct tape around them quietly. I screamed through the sobs, my voice cracking.


I screamed when he passed the duct tape to Curly. He taped up my wrists, then my mouth. I continued to sob as I went limp on the seats. I laid there hoping it would all be over, but I knew it was all beginning.

I'm being kidnapped. By my EX. Also his mildly attractive friends.

This can't be happening.




One Direction Kidnapped Me..Wait KIDNAPPED? (1D Fan Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin