He looked up at me and I sighed, "It's quite a lot and it's complicated. But you should know about my family." I said.

"My brother and I were really close when we were younger, always hanging out and playing around the house and outside, completely ignoring the dirty business out father was involved in. But as we grew older and began to comprehend what our father was incolved in, and that one of us would be taking over, the fight for our fathers love began.

"But Niccolo went too far to try to get to the top. He murdered a few people that were in debt to my father before he could. Though the police caught him and he refused our fathers help, in another attempt to prove his strength. But our father helped behind his back. If it weren't for our father, Niccolo would be serving three life sentences for second degree murder."

Liam looked up at me, "He doesn't seem like a person that has killed anyone or gone to prison, he's just so talkative and energetic."

"He didn't let that effect him, somehow. He never let go of the child inside of him. Either that or he's insane."

Liam chuckled, stretching out on the bench.

It was silent for a while longer before he spoke again, "I want an animal."

I was taken back by his sudden request but I smiled, "What kind of animal?" I back to run my hands through his hair.

He hummed, "I want a dog. I've always wanted a dog but my parents never let me get one."

"Alright, lets get a dog, what kind of dog would you want?"

"Hmm. I don't think I care too much but I do have one requirement."

"And what would that be?" I smiled, still running my hands through his hair.

"I want to rescue it from a shelter. Shelters are always overflowing with dogs and sometimes they have to euthanize them. I want to save a dog from that."

I kissed his mop of hair, he needed a trim, "That's sweet. How about we go when your leg's a bit more healed and you can walk without the crutches."

I felt him smile, "Okay."

Although I was never really a 'dog' person, I would do anything for Liam. And if he wanted a dog, I'd get him a dog. Hell, if he wanted a whale I'd find a way.

We stayed there for a while talking, until we got hungry and we went inside to eat lunch.

* * *

Niccolo didn't come back until after we had eaten dinner. He came back with bags of stuff and a grin on his face. Liam and I looked at him skeptically.

"What did you do?" I questioned, not trusting him at all.

"What? I just did a little shoping. Don't worry, theirs no drugs or alcohol in here." He said with a suggestive tone in his voice.

"What did you get?" I asked.

He handed me a bag, "This is for you."

Then he handed one to Liam, "And this is for you."

I opened the back and didn't kniw whether to laugh or throw it back at him. Then I remembered Liam got a back and I looked over for his reaction.

His face was beat red and his mouth was slightly opne and that's when I decided that I would laugh, along with Niccolo. But I took the back away from Liam to see what he had got.

They were both full of sex toys.

"Why?" Liam questioned, still cringing at the 'gift'.

"I figured it could spice up the relationship." Niccolo winked, said barely able to stop his laughter to talk.

I knew it was a bad idea to let him off on his own.

My poor Liam most likely hadn't even thought of me in any sexual way. I was good enough with his shy kisses and warm hugs. Though I'd be ready for more when ever he was. Pushing him for more would be the last thing I'd do. I finally got him, I don't want to lose him.

"Is that all you did?" I asked, dropping the bags.

"No, I also went out to eat at the finest resturant and treated your men to a very lovely lunch and dinner. Then I spent the rest of the day in a sex toy warehouse, I think I made a few friends." He smiled.

I couldn't help but laugh.

"Come on, Liam. Lets go to bed." I offered to take him away from the awkward atmosphere my brother had created.

Liam headed up before me with his crutches and I was right behind him.

"Hey, aren't you forgetting something?" Niccolo held up the bags.

I rolled my eyes and shook my head with a smile, "Go to bed Niccolo."

He laughed a bit mire before he was out of sight.

After getting ready for bed I helped Liam into bed and laid down beside him. His ears were still red when I pulled him close to me, "Sorry about my brother." I smiled, kissing his forehead.

In the dim light I saw his ears get a darker shade of red, making my smile grow.

"Goodnight, love." I kissed his head.

"Mmm, goodnight." He whispered back, nuzzling his heated face into my chest.

My Mafia Husband {ManxBoy} [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now