HV « huh... Pt.36

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This is the last show HV , AI and 5SOS have together. Each band preformed and were ready to never let go. Because. They were the kings and queens of the new broken scene. They gotta get out. They usually did something unpredictable. Even though they were a little out of they're limit. They knew they were going to be disconnected. Being friends wasn't just the only reason. They were rejects, but their fans shouted "don't stop" every time they needed to end a show. They purposely took long ways home just to spot some fans. They'll never be as young as they are now. The boys were mostly lost. And the girls were just castaways. Some coming from a broken home. While others had to leave an old black and white town. Each and everyone of them will carry on.

Okay. So the three bands decided to go to a party. To have fun. To maybe drink and get wasted. Because they didn't want to waste the night alone. So they wanted to have a little more fun before they leave HV on their own again. "Why not a chocolate milk party?" Ashton asks. "No. We did that last time and Luke somehow ended in a pool at a different party," answers Bri. Candice and Michael start laughing. "I'm surprised he survived a whole night." Calum comments. "That was one time. I don't even know how I ended up there."

It was very close to turning to 2 o'clock. They were in a room. Usually when they were all bored. Just to relax. Luna, Happy, Lion, Leo and Kenny are fine. They are..... I'll tell you next time. But, first.

Candice's Pov
It was quiet. Well, Lori was reading. Michael was sleeping. Bri listening to music. Ash going through Tumblr. Luke was going through his Insta feed. Cierra watching videos on YouTube. Calum was writing something. And honestly everything was chill. Hey Violet had a meet and greet. So we let them do their own thing. Other than that. I really want to plan a party. This is that last day that we'll be with HV. And the tour is ending very soon.

I don't know if it's safe for the guys to drink. One do you not remember the time they got drunk and all acted like horny guys. Two, I really want to see what will happen if both Lori and Mikey are drunk. Honestly, I really want to see that.

Hours Later...
Okay. So I managed to get Casey and Nia to help. Everyone will be surprised. But, now we need to send them on an adventure of a lifetime so they don't think Casey, Nia and I are planning something. So what is a go thing to do.

Moments Later...
So Candice really did something. So she ruined a book whole series for Arane. Told Brianna that there's an album they are selling for one of her favorite artist. Magically convinced Cierra to go get clothes. And with that split them into groups. Candice, Casey, Nia. Brianna, Ashton, Rena. Calum, Cierra, Iain. Michael, Arane and Luke. Perfect. What could go wrong.

CCN (Candi Casey Nia), BAR (Bri Ash Rena), CCI (Cal Cece Iain), MAL (Mikey Lori Luke)

Let's see if this works.

CCI's Pov
Cal: So at the mall. Candice gave the idea to Cierra to buy things. And Iain and I got dragged into to. And we really didn't want to be. "We'll meet back here in three hours." Cierra says with a smile. Three hours. As if that's not long. "And what are we going to do in three hours?" asks Iain. But, Cierra already ran off. So now we have to do something for three hours. Awesome.

MAL's Pov
Luke: Candice spoiled a whole book series. A WHOLE BOOK SERIES for Arane. And Mikey and I were dragged into this. At the bookstore. Looking for a book series for her to read. Usually, her to read while Michael falls asleep. But, still. A whole book series. She reads more than six books a day. She scares the sh!t out of me sometimes. And She isn't too far of having a personality like Michael. Every book we've shown her so far. She's read them already. And we did this for about 37 minutes. This will never end.

BAR's Pov
Ash: Who doesn't like music. Listen, Candice told Bri there is a new album out for one of her favorite singers. And I honestly wanted to see some other albums by other people. Rena and Brianna are somewhere in the store. I can't find them. And I'm pretty if I look, I'll find one then they'll disappear. How the hell will I survive this?

CCN's Pov
Candi: So Casey is encharge of getting the party supplies. Nia is inviting people. And I need to find a place and food on short notice. In like four hours. "Wait, where is Miranda?" I asked. "She went back to the recording studio to get something," answers Nia. Shi!t. I forgot. Okay, she'll just be in our group then. She could help me. I called Miranda and told her what i planned. So she's on board. CCNM. Whatever. I have a party to plan. Let's hope that we make it. Here we go!

Before the Party...
"At least half of us need to stay sober." Cierra says.

The Next Day...
Brianna's Pov
I wake up in my hotel room. I have a massive headache. And I don't feel too well. I look over to my left. Umm... Can someone explain to me why Ashton is there? I have clothes on. But, what the happened? I stood up. My phone rings.

Lori- Umm... Something happened.
Bri- What happened?
Lori- You should just see for yourself.

You'll never know. 'Cause I'm ending it here.

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