Jealous . . . Yet Not My Boyfriend《Just Friends.... Right? Pt.17

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Brianna's POV
I'm so happy. I can meet my childhood friend! His name is Anthony. I'm that one person who becomes super happy about a old friend. But, this friend has known me ever since. And I don't want to keep talking about it. You'll just tell me to "Shut the fuck up" in the comments.

Fourth Wall Broken. So happy. PenguinsandLions you hate me yet? *smirks*

So yeah, I asked one of the guys to come along. Arane is not done reading her 12-book-series. Cierra is busy on her phone, and her fashion choices. Luke still doing his fucking hair. Calum always has his clothes off. Candice is busy taking selfies. Michael is dying Lion's fur. It's blue and he cut it too. So I decided to take Ashton considering that he can be normal at times.

At times. . . Key word.

So yea, Ashton drove me to the airport. I waited. Which wasn't long, because we came like a minute before the plane landed. "Bri." A familiar voice says. It was Anthony. I was so happy! Hugs. And more hugs.

Fact: Brianna hates girly-things. Or what boys call girls wearing pink every fucking day. Pink on a scale from 1-10. It would be 2.5. She wears it. But, doesn't like it.

Anthony and I just started talking. It's been FOREVER.

Ashton's POV
Okay. Yea, I decided to be good for once and help Bri. But, then again I don't think it through. I basically just helped her get a boyfriend. I'm a total idiot. Annoying part. They keep talking, and talking. I'm just standing here. Does she not see me. Right next to her.

The one real POV and it's about you being fucking jealous. Dude, Anthony is gay. Yes, and happy too.

After them huging and standing there talking. Anthony the Douchebay finally decides to leave. I'm driving and them two talking their heads off. Bri is sitting in the back with him. Ugh..... I wanted to scream, but I just kept a smile on my face. So we get to his house. He's moving here. Great. She could be able to visit him. We get out the car and walk in. I sit in a seat across from them. Anthony leaves for a moment to get something to drink.

"You're too quiet." Bri says. "Really. I haven't noticed. Also the fact I've been here the whole time, but I'm invisible." I said sarcastically. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Oh... I don't know. You two have been talking the whole time." I continued. "What's your problem?" Brianna questions looking a little pissed. I stayed quiet. "Why are you acting like this, out of all people?" She continues. Anthony walks in and doesn't sense the tension. "So Brianna are you in any relationships?" He asks. That's it.

That was a bad question. And at the worst time.

I got up and walked out. "Ashton! What the fuck!" Brianna calls out. "Look, if you love him so much. Be with him. I'm leaving. I can't deal with this shit!" I said driving away.

Brianna's POV
Why the heck would he? I standing outside. I just saw Ashton drive off. What is he so upset about? Anthony comes out and looks at me. "Did I miss something?" He questioned. "I-I don't want to t-talk about it." I said.

Anthony didn't bother Bri. Anthony didn't have a car. So, Brianna started walking. Plus, no one was picking up their phone. Then all of a sudden it started raining. "My lucky day." She says. She keeps walking. Wondering why Ashton was jealous. It's not like Ash is her boyfriend. Why is he worrying? After about 2 hours of walking, Bri's phone start ringing.

Brianna's POV
I check my phone and see Ashton calling me. I didn't answer. He is the last person I want to see at this point. I put my phone on mute. I didn't even want to hear his ringtone. Walking in the fucking rain. It's cold. I'm hungry. Greatest day ever!
After More Walking........
I finally got the hotel. I went to my room. I turned my phone on and realized Cierra was texting. "Bri where are you. Where's Ash? What happened?" Then I see Candice's texts. "Brianna where the heck are you? Did something happen?" Then Arane. "Get your ass to the concert! We're worried." I texted them back saying I'm fine and I'm not preforming.
After the Concert.....

Bri is wrapped up with a blanket watching Mean Girls. Never seen the movie. Arane, Cece and Candi has been urging her to watch it.

There was a knock on her door. It was the girls. Arane came in with a smile. "I finally watched the first one." Brianna says. "There's a second one." Arane replied. "I'm not watching it today. Tomorrow." Bri said while getting up. "You seem fine. But, thought . . . ." Candice said going quiet. "I'm not okay. But, I learned to keep it in. Like always." Brianna stated while picking up her phone. "But, that makes you emotional . . . ." Cierra adds. "I know. I'm going out for walk." Bri says walking out the room without giving her friends a chance to stop her.

Ashton's POV
Why isn't she answering? Right, I was a jerk. "Ash, Bri is outside." A voice states. I look up and find Luke standing there. "Why are you telling me this?" I questioned. "Dude, it's obvious. You fucking like her." Mikey comments. "That's why you've haven't said a word since you got back." Calum adds. "The freaking kitten should not be talking. The kitten likes Arane." I stated with a smirk. Calum laughs. "Cal, shut up. You like Cierra." Michael states. Luke starts grinning. "Luke, you like Candice." Calum says. Luke starts laughing. "I can't believe we are talking about this." He says while trying his best not to laugh. Lion is jumping up and down. "What's wrong with him?" Cal asked. Lion runs to the door. Mikey thought it was fine to open it. Lion bolts out. "I'll go after him." I said running after him.

I get outside. It's still raining. I spot Lion sitting down at the end of the block. I go after him and he starts running again. I ran after him then I stopped. Son of a bitch, he lead me to Bri. She's sitting on a bench petting Lion. I stand there. I slowly walk towards the bench . . . . .

Brianna's POV
I look up and find Ashton. I stopped petting Lion and got up. "Excuse me." I said passing him. I don't think I'll feel better talking to anyone. I walked away looking back making sure Lion wasn't following me. I don't know how to solve this problem, but I hope nothing else happens.

I know. Soft. Too. Soft. I'll do better. Umm.... I honestly don't know where to go from here honestly. So I'll continue this. And I think after here, they go to Tokyo. My favorite place. Please like, and comment below. There will also be appearances by American Idiots' favorite people. So look out for the first one. Bye!

American Idiots ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora