Hide It《 Pt.29

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Brianna's Pov
So I got home and I waited for one of my parents to tell me why they needed me to come. We're sitting around the dining table. I couldn't eat anything. Alyana, Keyana, and Oliviah weren't even at the table. They left as soon as I walked in. Now I know it's something I should be careful.

30 Minutes Later......
"You need a better job." My mom says. I look at her for a moment. "Me being in a band is a job. That's my life." I commented. My dad is sitting at the table not saying anything. "Then, I suggest you get a better one." "If this is about me living my life then tell me what you really want to say." I started. "You have better things to do. Go be a lawyer or doctor." "I'm going to be the perfect child you want. My life." I returned. This like the fifth tell I've told her. I love what I do. You can't just do that.

She supported me in the beginning. What the fuck..... "I never said I wanted a perfect child." "So why keep trying to change my mind. Then you keep acting like I'm the bad person." I was ready to leave. Ever since we've had the band. My mom has been bothering me everyday about it. "Music is not a job. Singing isn't a job. It's entertainment." My mom says while looking at me. "Well, it's a job." I said while looking down. "Well, it doesn't look like you guys are doing anything. Fooling around with those boys. Not taking anything seriously. Especially, you." "It's like you can't just let me live my life."

My phone starts ringing again. That's the fourth time it rang. I just ignored it. "Who is it?" She asks. "Someone." I answered with no expression. "You're rude. And you know it." "Well, I'm sorry. So I should get a different job and leave everyone for themselves." Sarcastically I said. I sit there in silence. My dad about to say something, but he stays quiet in the end. "Me and your father think should you do something better than what you're doing now." My mom says. "My father doesn't say anything. He's just always taking your side. It's really you." "Okay. I believe you should quit being in a band or any of that music stuff," she continued. "None of that is helping anything. Especially when you hang around with that boy."

I sat there without a word. "So, I urge you to stop messing around and get a real job." "You're a great mother. The kind that can't even let her daughter be happy." At a time like this, my dad would have left. Cause my mom and I would most likely yell at each other. Ever since, seventh grade my mom thought it was a joke. But, it wasn't. "If your my daughter, you would do the right thing." "Makes sense I was pretty sure I'm adopted." "At a time like this, I just wish....." She trails off. "You wish what?" I questioned. "I wish that you weren't my daughter." "I really hope so. I knew you weren't my mother." I stated while walking out.

I turned on my phone. 27 miss calls. I started to call Ashton. "Brianna." "Can you pick me up?" I asked while trying not to cry.this isn't the time for them to know. So...... I told Ash the address. I was on the phone with him the whole time.

After Getting To The Hotel......
Brianna went to her room. Surprised to see what was there. Candice, Luke, Arane, Michael, Calum, Cierra and Ashton. Luna was sleeping. You know how you love your friends no matter what, but you're upset that they forgot the pizza. That's how she felt. Maybe, heartbroken. I don't know. It was a group hug and Cierra had to make a deal with Lori to actually be part the group hug.

8:30 pm...
Brianna's Pov
I was left in my room with Luna. Ashton walks in without a warning. "Why were you crying?" He asked. "I don't know what you mean." I stated. "On the phone, you know." "I rather not talk about what happened. Things happened." "What things happened?" "You won't stop bothering me 'til you know." He answers by smiling. My phone lights up. Social media.

Brianna is Leaving American Idiots? We had to her mother. And it's official, Brianna is leaving the band soon.

I took my phone and turned it off. Ashton's expression changed. "She just can't leave me alone." I mumbled.

Brianna just sat quiet ignoring the question Ashton asked. Ash walked out to Bri. "You can't do that." Do what?" She asked. "You don't like telling anyone what happened." "If I do, I'm going to start crying and I'm tired of that." "Tell me. Even Arane cries. And she was crying because Michael got her brownies." "That was for a happy reason." "At least tell me. Please." "Later, I just need a hug right now." Luna wakes up and jumps up. And somehow finds her way next to Bri. "Wow, she beat me to it."


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