Arzaylea《 Why?! She Has Friends pt.26

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Arzaylea's Pov
This is my game. And I'm going to win.

Brianna's Pov
We have one more concert in New York City. And it's tonight, but I'm tired. I sit up and find Luna with my drum sticks. I got ready for today and walked out only to find Luke and Michael sleeping on the floor. "Mikey. Luke. Get up." I tried. Nothing. Ashton walks out of his room dressed and then looks at me. "They were sleeping there last night, and I didn't bother them." "Pizza." Cierra says while walking out her room. Both Michael and Luke get up.

"I heard 'pizza.'" Mikey smiles. "Get dressed or you're going to be late." Cal states. Lori and Candice walk out after. We waited for the two other idiots. Michael came running and was tripped by Arane. Luke comes after and also gets tripped by Arane. "No running." She says while walking off. "Okay. That happened." Says Cierra.

A Few Moments Later......

Cierra's Pov
"Are we there yet?" Lori asked. This was the 20th time she asked. "Say that again, and you and Mikey will be walking." Bri stated. Candice was taking selfies and pictures the whole ride. Calum and Luke were surprisingly quiet. If that's even possible.

We needed to start practicing so nothing goes wrong when we have the show. We started off with American Idiot by Green Day. Most of the time, we were being idiots. Basically, fooling around. When it was the boys' turn to practice, were playing with the sound check. They sounded like chipmucks singing Lost Boy. Then there was clapping coming from the audience seats. It's the one and only........

Candice's Pov
"Arzaylea, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked. I was ready to jump her, but Luke pulled on my arm. "Abby. She wanted to come after me." She stated. Arane didn't like her. Or Abigail. "Great, another bitch is here." Lori mumbles. "What are you two doing here?" Bri questioned. "Well, it's not only two of us. It's four. And we are sharing the stage with you guys." Arzaylea answered. I was ready to fully pounce on her. Then two more girls walk out of the shadows. Even though, they belong there.

"When did sharing the stage with you happen?" Cierra asked. "About three minutes ago. Check your phones." She smirked. "Can you just get out of here? Just leave." Calum says while walking off the stage. "Okay, I just hope you're ready for tonight. Bye." Arzaylea smiled and walked away.

Arane's Pov
"The bitch is back. With another bitch, I can't stand." I stated. "Arzaylea, formed a band with her, Abigail, Sophia and Kelly." Bri says. At this point I gave up. Candice fell to the ground. Cierra was upset. And Bri walked off the stage. "This can't happen. I hate her." Cierra stated. Abigail. Arzaylea. Sophia. Kelly. Why the fuck does the world want us miserable? "Fuck this shit." Michael comments. We all gave up. This was something, I'm pretty sure that we will die from.

To Be Continued.......
Again, thanks for the reads. Please like and comment what you think will happen next. See ya!

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