First birthday and surprises

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The next month May 25th 2013


Today is the day that I've been dreading, not because of everything in entails, but because it means my little girl is growing up. It doesn't even seem like it's been a year, one year since my water broke in th worst place possible, one year since I laid in that hospital bed in the worst pain imaginable. One year since I held my daughter for the first time and all the pain was worth it. One year since I looked Into her eyes and found something I was never letting go of. It's crazy how time goes by, one year ago I would never have imagined we would be where we are today. A family.

I got out of bed and headed over to the nursery. Peyton was standing in her crib hanging onto the bars for support. I picked her up and headed to the kitchen where Rob was making breakfast. I sat Peyton in her highchair and cut up some blueberries and watermelon for her and Rob made her eggs and gave them to her. I went upstairs looking through her clothes deciding on an outfit for her to wear today before I jumped in the shower. When I got out and headed downstairs Peyton had pulled herself up standing by the couch. Rob was trying to get her to take her first steps too him. I stood behind him drying my hair encouraging her. She looked unsure. She turned around and looked down not sure what to do. she held onto the couch and she took a hesitant step forward. she stumbled and fell, she looked up at us with tears in her eyes.

"come on Peyton, you can do it . I know you can." I whispered to her

I helped her stand back up and then stepped back. she turned around and gripped the couch taking yet another step forward. She looked at me and let go of the couch. She wobbled a little and fell sorward but caught herself. She stood back up regaining her balance. She looked at us and took hesitant step forward and then another one. I held my arms out as she kept taking hesintant steps until reached my arms where she finally collapsed. My eyes filled with tears as I picked her up hugging her and kissing her.

"Your growing up way to fast." I whispered to her. I didn't realize Rob had been recording it all.

"Yeah she definitely is growing up fast." I looked at him, I haven't said anything to Rob yet but I have a feeling there might be a new addition to our family soon. I know my body a lot better now and I'm pretty sure I am pregnant again but I'm waiting to take a test. I'm terrified at what Rob will say if I am pregnant. That's the only thing hindering me from being happy about this potential pregnancy. Anyway, I can't focus on that right now.


The party went off without a hitch. It was a small party with only some of our friends and family. It's only 7pm and Peyton is already asleep. I got up off the couch and laid her in her crib. My mom had agreed to watch Peyton tonight. Because Rob wants to take me out to dinner tonight. He helped me pick out a dress, it's white with a gold belt around the chest with a gold necklace. I frenched braided my hair and then we were off. We went to IL CIELO in Beverly Hill,
Rob had rented out the outside so it was just us. We went out there and he pulled my chair out. I ordered a salad and some water. Rob got the steak and some wine.

"Do you want some wine?"

"No thank you...."

"You don't normally turn down wine Kristen...what's going on?"

"Nothing Rob, I just don't feel like drinking." I told him, which wasn't a complete lie. I didn't know for sure if I was pregnant but I'm pretty sure I am.

"Ok" he smiled

The food here was amazing, we were finishing up dinner. All the sudden he stood up and got down on one knee. My breathing hinged...


I can't believe I'm proposing to the love of my life. I got down on one knee and pulled the ring out of my pocket. Her breathing hinged.

"Kristen Jaymes Stewart. From the moment I first saw you, I knew you were the one for me.
you are the only one for me. We have been through so much and our love has never ended. It is time to make you mine for eternity. I ask you to pass through life at my side, to be my second self, and best earthly companion Will you marry me?"

I watched as her eyes filled with tears. She could hardly speak. "Y-yes of course I will marry you" she squeaked. I embraced her where she broke down on my shoulder.

"I love you so much Kristen"

"I-i love you too."

We ate the rest of our dinner and headed back to the house. Her mom pretty much pumbled her when we got there.

"Let me see!!!" Her mom squeled as Kristen showed her the ring. I snuck upstairs and checked on Peyton while they talked. We spent the rest of the night after her mother left cuddling on the couch watching a movie.

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