What In the World?

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"Hi Kris"...he said looking nervously at the ground

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I came to make sure things were ok"

"Yeah were fine now," I said fiercely

"Listen I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier"


"Shit"..I said quietly under my breath when I realized Peyton woke up and started to stir and panic. "Shh, it's ok..mommy's here" I quietly told her as a rubbed her back. I didn't take my eyes off of her as she fell back to sleep


"Rob...please...I don't want to fight right now" I still had my eyes on my baby

"Fair enough. You guys have had a long night, I'll leave you guys alone"

"Thank you"..and with that, he left


I understand what Kristen meant. By I would know it if gave a crap about them. The truth is..I did, I loved Kris still, and i still love her but I knew the chances of her forgiving me were slim to none. I had messed up big time. I still didn't want to be a father but I wanted Kristen back. and if it meant taking care of a baby so be it. but I do have to admit, Kristen seemed to be doing a good job without me with her. I still think it's best if I stay away still, after tonight she needs to just focus on herself and our daughter.


I can't believe he showed up here. I was afraid he was going to start screaming at me. I'm already so emotionally drained that I cry at the slightest thing right now. it's ok tho. I have my little girl back in my arms and that was enough for me..thats all I needed..she was all I needed. she started to stir again and then started whimpering..."you hungry sweetie?" I asked her as I got up and laid her on the bed while I took my gown off so that I just had my tank top on. she started crying as soon as she didn't feel my body heat against her. I picked her up and sat back in the chair with her and guided her towards my breast until she latched on and in that moment. I was in heaven

I must have fallen asleep because all the sudden I heard a voice


"Oh hey mom...sorry I must have fallen asleep"

"Haha its ok, looks like your not the only one," she said as she looked at my girl

"Yeah.. she's been asleep for a little while before I fell asleep"

"How are you feeling Kristen?"

"I'm ok...did you see Rob?" I said sleepily

"No...he was here?"

I adjusted myself in the chair

"Yeah...he was here for a few minutes"

"What did he say?"

"Just that he was checking on us and apologized for what he said earlier but I wasn't having it"

"I don't blame you"

"Yeah I snapped at him...just told him it been a bad night and he would know it if he cared about us but I kinda screamed it at him"

"Again I don't blame you. It's been a hard night and you don't need him..."

"Yeah I felt bad because I accidently woke Peyton up"

"Oh no..."

"It was fine I just soothed her and she went back to sleep...i just didn't want to hear anything from him. I can't deal with him right now."

"Understandable, any word on when you're leaving?"

"Not yet but soon I hope"

I slowly moved Peyton and burped her which woke her up a little. soon she opened her eyes and looked around..meeting her gaze with mine.."hi baby" I said to her. I would offer her to my mom but I knew that Peyton wasn't going to allow it. I just held her close ...mommy loves you so much...

The Start of Forever-A Robsten StoryWhere stories live. Discover now