We will always have Forever, my love

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I shook myself out of my sleep and headed toward the bathroom as my mom jumped at the phone. I leaned over the vanity praying to god it was some good news..I could use some right now. a few seconds later I heard my mom screaming


I ran out of the bathroom just in time to meet my mother's embrace. I couldn't hold the tears back any longer..."is she ok?" I asked

"They said they have her at the hospital being evaluated right now..they want us down there"

"Then let's go!"

I didn't even bother changing, I just put my hair up and we left to go to the hospital. on the drive there I couldn't help but smile. I was picturing having her back in my arms. The way things should be. We finally arrived at the hospital and I went to check in while my mom parked.

"How may I help you?"

"Hi, my daughter was brought in she was the victim of kidnapping."


"Peyton Stewart, but she might be under my name," ....."Kristen Stewart" I whispered

"Oh! right Miss Stewart...ill be taking you to a separate waiting room to wait for the doctor"

In that moment I felt my mom put her hand on me....

We followed her and got settled in the waiting room. Which sent my nerves into overdrive. Not because of being scared of being seen but because we had to wait some more..after about 10 minutes the doctor finally came out and I have never been happier to see a fuckin doctor in my life. I bolted out of my seat as soon as I saw him. "How is she?"

"She's a little dehydrated but overall she seems to be ok. We just have an IV drip going in her right now to give her fluids"

"Can I see her?" I asked. Feeling myself start to break down

"Of course. Right, this way"...I followed his lead

"I'll be there in a few minutes ok? I want to give you guys some time alone." And with that, my mom sat back down.

When we reached the door the doctor warned me that Peyton was frantically upset and had been since she came in but also suspected that she was long before that too. I wasn't surprised, I knew my baby. She wasn't going to calm down for anyone...except me...as we entered the door I could already hear her. I knew my baby and that was definitely her..you could hear it throughout the whole department. I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. when we reached her room I was hesitant to go in..I hadn't realized I had stopped till the doctor put his hand on me and told me it was ok. He went in front of me and pulled the curtain around. the nurse was holding a frantically panicking Peyton in her arms to try and calm her. to no avail. Peyton's eyes were darting all over...probably looking for me. I felt myself start to break down at that point. the nurse came over and put her in my arms...and in that moment I broke down more than I have before.

I'll leave you guys alone ok? the nurse said

All i could do was nod

I went over and sat in the chair that was next to her bed with her and shifted her onto my chest..."Hi, Peyton..hi sweetie. It's ok...mommy's here. I'm not going anywhere baby girl. I missed you so much," I said as my eyes filled with tears. Peyton grabbed onto a little piece of my nightgown and wouldn't let go, she looked at me with her tear filled eyes. "I love you so much" I whispered to her. "get some sleep baby, I'm not going anywhere." I moved her up more so her head was on my shoulder and rubbed her back...she slowly fell asleep.

I couldn't help but break down crying again watching her sleep.

"I love you, sweetie more than you probably realize. I'm so sorry this happened...I'm not going to let you go again. god I love you so much" i said fighting back the tears

"Excuse me, Kristen. you have a visitor." Thinking it was my mom I said ok...when I looked up he was standing there...

The Start of Forever-A Robsten StoryWhere stories live. Discover now