Go Time

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Peyton and I were finally going home and when I say finally, I mean finally

I'm going to miss being able to turn to the nurses when I wasn't sure about something but I was pretty sure I could manage on my own now. I have ALWAYS hated hospitals...no let me rephrase that. I am petrified of hospitals.

Peyton was asleep in the crib. So I decided to pack while I could. my mom was coming in about an hour to get us and hopefully they had the paperwork done by then. I was just finishing up with the packing when my baby started crying.

"Whats wrong sweetie,"I asked her. And then I quickly realized she needed a diaper change. And I wasn't thinking and packed the diapers already. I quickly went through the bags and found the diapers "It's ok" I cooed to her as I picked her up and laid her on the bed to change her. "I love you so much" I whispered to her as I picked her up and held her against me as I walked around the room when we were done.

(Knock on door.)

"Come in"

"Hey girls"

"Hey, mom."

"You ready to go?"

"Still waiting on paperwork. How are we getting out of here?"

"Nurses parking ramp. They gave me permission to park there so no one sees us."

"Good idea"

just then the nurse came in and handed my mom the paperwork and grabbed a wheelchair. when I saw the wheelchair my mind went into panic mode. thats another thing about hospitals I'm scared of. I looked to my mom who knew exactly what I was thinking.

"it's just for your guy's safety"

I rolled my eyes and went and sat in it. but my nerves were haywire right then. I laid Peyton up against my chest. The nurse put a blanket over me covering her and mom grabbed my sunglasses from the bag and handed them to me. I put them on and put my hair down and then we were off...Peyton wasn't a huge fan of being covered up and not being able to see much and started fussing. I reached my free hand under the blanket and took her hand into mine. "We're almost there," I said to her.

We finally made it to the parking ramp. I took my sunglasses off and clipped them to my shirt before removing the blanket from over Peyton and throwing it onto my shoulder. My mom took Peyton who was starting to whimper again from me and got her into her seat. I carefully stood up as going from sitting to standing position still was painful and carefully slid in beside my daughter. I was not used to being in the back so it was a little awkward buckling up. I finally managed it and soon we were off. I spent the whole time holding my daughters hand and staring at her. She slept the whole way which I was so thankful for.


Kristen was very quiet on the ride home, I couldn't help but smile seeing Kristen with her head against the seat looking at her daughter.


We finally were home. Paparazzi were all over even inside the fence. I grabbed the blanket that I had put next to us and laid it over Peyton's seat and unbuckled her carrier and myself. I carefully slid out and reached in and adjusted the blanket before grabbing the seat. There were cameras clicking everywhere and paparazzi yelling questions at me. I tried getting inside as fast and carefully as I could because they were scaring Peyton...by the time we got inside Peyton was full out crying

I sat on the couch and took the blanket off of the carrier and threw it on the floor next to us. I pushed the handle back and unbuckled her and gently picked her up resting her head against my shoulder "Shh its ok, were ok Peyton. Yeah, I know they scared you." I carefully got up and walked around the room with her. She slowly calmed down. I wiped the tears from her face. "You're definitely like your mom," I told her. "I don't like them either."

Mom went upstairs and got the co-sleeper, her other blanket and diaper bag because I was going to be sleeping down here for a few days until I got my strength back and it didn't kill me to do stairs. And the doctor recommended to that I don't do stairs for a few days. So, for now, Peyton and I are camping downstairs. i know that we could stay in the guest bedroom downstairs but I didn't feel right doing that. I laid Peyton in the co-sleeper while I went through the bags from the hospital. Put clothes in one pile and diapers in the other. I made sure Peyton was ok before I grabbed the laundry and headed into the laundry room to start the load.

"Kristen, what are you doing?"


"No your not"


"Kristen....we haven't even been home for 20 minutes and you're already trying to do housework. You know the doctor wants you to take it easy for a few more days"

"I know mom...."

"You are so stubborn. Come on, I'll do this you go sit down."

"Mom, I don't want to do this to you"

"I'm going to help you. I don't want you to hurt yourself"

"Ok, mom."

I gave her the pile of clothes and went and laid down on the couch watching Peyton sleep.


I returned from starting the laundry to find Kristen asleep on the couch with her hand on Peyton's chest. I took a picture of them. And then went upstairs and watched tv so I didn't disturb them

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