She's Here

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I grabbed onto Nikki's hand again. It was amazing to think that my little girl would be here in a matter of minutes or hours. But I also terrified at the thought of pushing. I was brought out of my thought when the nurse interrupted

"Ok Kristen, on three I need you to push"

I nodded and prepared myself


I pushed with all I had until the nurse told me to stop. I fell back into the bed panting, closing my eyes waiting for the next round

"you're doing great Kristen" I heard Ashley say.

Nikki was pushing my hair out of my face with one hand while I still had a hold on her other hand.

"Ok Kristen, I need you to push again hun," the nurse said to me

She counted down again and I pushed as hard as I could until she told me to stop. It was burning so bad I couldn't help but cry...

"Kristen I'm going to call your mom and let her know its happening ok"...Ashley said, "I'll be back in a couple minutes ok?"

Ok I nodded


I left the room and went and called Jules

"Hey Ashley, how is Kristen?"

"She's pushing now. shouldn't be long now"

"SHIT!...ok please tell her I'm sorry I won't make it. I'm still about an hour away. oh god I feel so bad"

"Jules, it's ok Nikki and I are here, Kristen's got a full support team. I better get back in there"

"Yeah, good idea...tell Kristen I love her ok..."

"I will. Bye Jules"


I hung up the phone and headed back in


Ashley came back in. I just got done pushing some more and was taking a breather.

"Hey, sweetie...your mom says sorry she won't make it. She's still an hour away. She feels really bad and also suppose to tell you she loves you"

"Thank you Ashley ...its ok as long as I have someone here.... I'm not alone" I said panting

I was pretty sure Ashley and Nikki were rethinking having kids right now I thought to myself

Before I knew it. It was time to push again.

45 min later

We were finally at the final push. I grabbed a hold of Nikki's hand again and gave one final push with every ounce of strength I had left until I felt a huge relief from my body.

Then I heard her... my baby....I was so happy to finally hear her. I immediately started whimpering from happiness trying not to cry. The nurse put her on my stomach and I reached down and took her hand in mine. "Hi sweetie," I said to her. She was crying. The nurse took her off of me and took her to clean her up and weigh her. It killed me hearing her cry. I turned back to Nikki and Ashley who had tears in their eyes.

"Thank you guys for being here" I whispered

"No problem hun"

"I know it's not the nicest things to watch"

"It's ok Kris was amazing watching you bring her into the world."

Hearing my girl still crying was killing me. Finally, the nurse brought her over to me. Nikki moved out of the way so the nurse could put her into my arms

"There you go momma," the nurse said as she put her in my arms. I immediately broke down crying. I took her into my arms and watched as she nestled herself against me. "It's ok baby girl," I said to her as I took her hand into mine and kissed her as I rocked her. "Your so beautiful"I whispered to her. I looked her at as she struggled to open her eyes against the light to find my voice. I shielded her eyes from the light and watched as she slowly opened them. Revealing her beautiful green mixed with blue eyes. The nurse dimmed the lights a bit because they had them on the brightest they could which was even a little bright for me so I could not imagine for her. I moved my hand and stroked her cheek. I could feel the tears streaming down my face as I looked at my baby. "I love you so much," I whispered to her as she started to whimper

"Are you planning on breastfeeding?" The nurse asked me

"Yes I heard its the best thing for her" I replied

"That it is. Here let me help you get her started."

The nurse walked us through positions and how to latch and unlatch and eventually I was allowed to get her eating. Feeling her suckling from me was a very odd sensation. One I can't even describe. but it feels incredibly amazing at the same time. I watched her eyes as she looked around taking everything in

"She's beautiful Kristen". Nikki said

"Thank you...I'm glad she finally here. I still can't believe I'm a mom now...." I said

"I know it's crazy to think of you as a mom now..."

"Bet you guys are rethinking having kids now"I giggled

"Yeah I could do without the labor pains but I'm looking forward to these moments," Ashley said

My baby's eyes started to flutter close and I couldn't help but smile. her breathing steadied which meant she was asleep. I slowly unlatched her and laid her against my chest as I burped her. We laid like that for a good amount of time. I stared at her running my fingers through her hair. She barely had any but the amount she did have was pitch black.

"You wanna hold her?" I asked Ashley.."it's can too Nikki"

I handed my daughter over to her. And turned over so I would be laying on my side

Ashley sat in the chair that was next to my bed with her. I couldn't help but smile. Yes, I was still scared about taking care of my daughter but everything felt right in that moment...I knew I was going to love my baby but I was not at all prepared for how hard and how much I was going to fall in love with her.

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