Happy 4th of July part 1

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Time was going by fast, Peyton was now 1 month and 5 days old and Rob's and mine relationship has been getting stronger everyday. were still not at the point of him moving back in. so he’s over here during the day and goes back to his place at night. Peyton’s nightmares have subsided substantially. now she only has maybe one a week, and most of the time its at nap time. Rob and I were planning on going to the fireworks show tonight but there was a few complications. we wanted to take Peyton but we were not sure how she would react to them and this would be our first family outing together with her and would be my mine and Robs first time out off my property with her besides at the hospital those times. We are also taking her to my moms for a 4th of July party.

Peyton got me up around 7 needing to be fed, I quickly fed her and got her changed into a onesie that isn’t exactly 4th of July but it was too adorable not to put on her today . I took her downstairs laying her in the Infant seat that I had recently bought that went on the counter while I made myself something to eat. she stared at me the whole time I cooked

"just wait till our older pey pey (that was my nickname for her) you will love my cooking. everyone does" I smiled at her

 everyone does" I smiled at her

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.


Rob came over and played with his daughter while I went upstairs, showered and got ready for the day. I still had some of the baby weight but I was losing some each day. I had to be careful with what I chose to wear, keeping in mind I was breastfeeding. I chose to wear a flowy grey dress with a slit down the front with my hair braided and pair of light grey sneakers.

After I got dressed I went and grabbed the diaper bag making sure I had everything we could need in there. and extra of everything since we would be gone all day. I grabbed Peyton’s blanket out of the co sleeper and headed downstairs. Rob was sitting on the couch with Peyton in his lap talking to her. she was looking at him with a confused look. I just laughed and shook my head, heading into the downstairs bathroom to do my business. I came out and went over to my two loves as Rob was changing her.

"What time are we suppose to be at your moms?" he asked me

"Noon. we should probably get going if we don’t want to be late." I said as I set the security alarm on the patio door. I had this installed after my scare with Peyton last month.


Rob stood up and handed Peyton over to me while he grabbed his phone off the counter and grabbed the diaper bag and the blanket

Peyton started crying half way through the drive. which is not like her. usually she’s content on car rides. And this wasn’t her normal cry, it sounded like she was in pain. when we hit a red light I climbed in the back with her and put my hand on her chest. "Hey what’s wrong baby?" why are you fussing?". i quickly realized she was hiccupping and that can only mean one thing....gas..
I Cradled her head with my one hand and carefully slid my hand behind her back. trying to get her to burp to no avail, my hand kept slipping.

"Rob, can we pull over for a minute?"

"Everything ok?"

"She needs to burp and the way im doing it now isn’t working...she has tons of gas right now that’s why she’s fussy. isn’t it sweetheart?"

"ok hang on." he pulled into a gas station parking lot. I carefully undid Peyton and brought her up to my chest.. "I know sweetie, I know" I said to her as I patted her back. I could sympathize with her. I knew how bad it hurt when gas builds up and you cant do anything about it. I did it a little bit harder as she continued to cry and eventually she burped. Very loudly. Rob started laughing but I didn't find it funny, seeing my baby in pain. Peyton started whimpering and then threw up on me.

"did she just do what I think she did?" Rob asked me

*sigh* "yep..."

Peyton was now content so I laid her back in her seat and grabbed the wipes out of her bag. I wiped her face and then got as much as I could get off of my dress before I strapped her back in and got back in front.

"Kristen, your dress"

"I know, I can probably wash it at moms and throw Peyton’s onesie in there with it..she soaked that too. I forgot to grab a burp cloth before I started burping her and this is what happens I giggled. Lesson learned"

we finally got to my moms. I got out and got Peyton out resting her against my chest. she whimpered a little bit but did not wake up. My mom met us at the gate.

"Hey you guys" she said as she was about to hug me..

"Mom I wouldn’t hug me right now. Until I get this dress off. Im covered in baby puke right now"

Rob started laughing. I gave him the look

"Oh" my mom giggled. "Lets get you guys inside."

"Ok."  Everybody was in the back yard so we went into the house and I went up to my old room and laid Peyton in the middle of the bed and went over to my closet. I had left some clothes here when I moved out 5 years ago. I managed to find one of my dresses I had left here that was big on me. I changed into it and it barely fit me but it would work. I went over to the bed where Peyton was still asleep  and undressed her. I didn’t have anything else to dress her in. I threw the clothes in a pile and ran them to the laundry room. When I came back Peyton was crying. She doesn’t like being naked. I took her blanket and wrapped her in it.

"Shh your ok baby." I said to her as I kissed her. She fell back to sleep against me as I headed downstairs.


While Kristen was upstairs with the baby I went outside and walked around. Nikki came up to me

"Hey Rob"

"Hey! You guys are back"

"Yeah we just got back couple days ago. Are the girls here?"

"Yeah there upstairs getting changed. Kristen had a unfortunate incident with Peyton. So she’s changing the both of them"

"Oh, so when did you guys get back together?"

"Well, were not technically back together. Were taking things slow. But things have been going good so far. We have only been talking for a few weeks." I said as I sipped on a beer.

"That’s good. You two are made for each other."

I turned around seeing Kristen come out of the house with our daughter. She came over and stood next to me cradling our baby against her chest swaying from side to side.

"Nikki!" She squealed. "Its been too long" she said as she hugged her as best as she could.

"No kidding Kristen. You need to update me on everything"

"Im going to find the guys. You two enjoy" I said as I walked away

"Bye Rob" Kristen said

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