Home Bound

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The nurse came in a few minutes later and took her IV out. It killed me hearing her cry as she took it out.

"Ok, here is your paperwork you are free to go. The police are going to check in with you tomorrow"

I stood up holding Peyton who was still crying in my arms and took the paperwork from her. "Thank you!" I said to her

I walked around the room a little bit to calm her down. I just kept talking to her and she quickly went back to sleep. I took the blanket and wrapped it around her better so no one could see her and then we went took a back way out. I knew the paparazzi would be out there swarming like mosquito's until they got a picture of her. I wasn't ready for that. mom went and pulled the car around while I stayed in with Peyton

"Kristen, we have an issue" my mom called from outside the door


"We have the wrong car"

"What do you mean the wrong car?"

"The car seat is in your car."

"Shit....what are we going to do?"

"I'll call dad and see if he can get your car and bring it down here"

"ok sounds like a plan."

I sat in in an abandoned hallway while my mom was on the phone. Peyton was asleep in my arms sucking on my finger. The best part of where we were at was that the paparazzi couldn't see us. I could see outside but they couldn't see in. I felt relaxed, I felt like everything was ok. But I knew tomorrow I would be reminded of the hell tonight.

Peyton started to cry and I could tell she needed a diaper change. I got down on the floor with her and laid her on the blanket they sent with us. I was glad I had grabbed the extra diapers and package of wipes off the bed when we left because I didn't bring the diaper bag. "Your ok" I cooed to her as I changed her. Mom came back in

"Diaper change?"

"Yah. She hates these"

"I don't blame her. Anything I can help with?"

"Yeah if you can find a garbage."

My mom went inside and can back with a plastic bag and disposed everything into there.

I finished getting Peyton redressed and sat back in the chair with her calming her down

"What did dad say?"

"He's going to bring the car seat that way we don't have three cars here and you can be in the back with her while I drive"

"Good thinking mom"

"Well I figured Peyton probably won't let you out of her sight anyway"

"True very true. I don't mind it though" I said smiling at Peyton who was now back to sleep on my chest.

Mom stayed with us while we waited. I moved onto the floor with Peyton so I could be more comfortable.

My dad arrived about 15 minutes later.

I stood up and handed Peyton to my mom while I started cleaning up. Peyton woke up after a couple minutes and started crying. I had a feeling that was going to happen

"Kristen, I got this. You take her, she obviously wants you."

I giggled. Yep. I gently took her from my mom and cuddled her against me. "Shh Peyton, you're ok. I'm sorry hun... I wasn't thinking."

She slowly calmed down. I waited until my mom had everything and then I put the blanket over Peyton as we walked out to the car. I slid in and laid Peyton in her seat and buckled her up. She started to stir and I knew she was going to cry. I took her hand into mine. She quickly started crying. "It's ok Peyton shh.," I said to her as I ran my hand through her hair. she grabbed onto my finger as I brought my hand down. her crying turned into whimpering. "thats all you wanted sweetie?" I asked her smiling. "Go to sleep baby girl.. momma's not going anywhere," I said as I kissed her. she did not end up going to sleep. she laid there looking at me with silent tears. once and while her breathing would accelerate and I would just talk to her until she would calm down.

10 min later

we were finally home. Peyton still had a hold on my finger I carefully got out of her grasp which made her cry. "were ok sweetie" I said to her as I unbuckled her and lifted her out. I held her against me and put the blanket around her as we went inside and sat on the couch. it was nearly 5:30 in the morning and I was running off of couple hours of sleep but I was so incredibly happy to have my girl back with me.

"Do you need anything Kristen?" my mom asked me

"Uh...coffee, please?"

She started laughing, "I need that too. do you want to try and get a few hours of sleep?"

"I don't know," I told her and I honestly wasn't sure.

My mom came over and sat next to us. "Why don't you go to sleep and we can lay her on the other couch? that way you both can get some sleep."

"Mom, I would but I doubt she's going to let me. you know she hasn't wanted me to put her down "

"True, I forgot about that."

"I mean I guess we can give it a shot but I'm just worried"

"I know Kristen. but we can at least try"

"yep." I quietly got up and laid her on the other couch towards the back of the couch. I wouldn't normally do this but my mom was here so I wasn't worried. I put blankets around her.

I went back over to my couch and curled up. I had just closed my eyes when Peyton started crying again.

"I got her," my mom said. she went over and picked Peyton up which made her cry harder. Then came over and handed her to me.

"Peyton sweetie shh its ok" I said to her as she grabbed my shirt. I looked up at my mom who was thinking the same thing I was.

"Ok plan b," my mom said. "Take her upstairs and you can lay her next to you, that way she still feels safe and secure with you but you can both get some sleep"

"Thats not safe."

"I'll be here, trust me if it was just going to be you two I wouldn't recommend it but ill be here."

"Ok. thanks"

"No problem. you look so tired Kristen you need to get some sleep"

"Yeah, i do." I got up and headed upstairs with my baby girl. I curled up in my bed and cuddled her against me. and kept one arm around her as we slowly fell asleep. 

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