The Meeting

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I got up and threw on a t-shirt with a sweatshirt over it, sweat pants and brushed my hair up into a ponytail and headed out. I arrived a half hour early but Ashley kept me company


"Hey, Ashley how are you?"

"Good you?"

"Tired but I'm ok," I said

"Are you coming with us tomorrow to LA?"

"Yes as long as this kid stays in me," I said patting my stomach.

"I'm so bummed your not coming to Europe with us Kristen!"

"I know but you know I cannot travel right now... it would be my luck we would be 2,000ft in the air and I would go into labor."


"It will be really weird not going with you guys, but it's the safest for me and my baby to stay here"

All the sudden Bill called everyone to come in and sit down.

"Welcome, everyone. We are here to discuss the promotional tour. As most of you know there is one person here that will not be joining us on the tour but will be with us tomorrow in LA red carpet." I looked at Rob who was looking around confused. Then all the sudden Bill said, "Kristen you want to take it from here?"

"Sure I said. As Bill said I will not be joining you guys on the tour. My due date is rapidly approaching I'm due June 1st and the doctor said that in all reality I could go into labor at any moment and also I'm not up to traveling. But I will be joining you guys in LA tomorrow as long as this kid doesn't come tonight. It will be weird not going with you guys but it's safer to stay behind"

"I agree," almost everyone said.

"I'm pretty much done," I said to Bill

The meeting went on for another hour and I almost fell asleep. i guess i could have technically left after talking about tomorrow's event but i decided to stay for some reason. After the meeting, Ashley pulled me aside.

"Hey, Ash what's up?"

"Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?"

"Um, sure? Are you going to stay with me tomorrow on the carpet"

"If you want me to I will! You know I will"


"I'll pick you up around 9am ok?"

After we chatted I went home and curled up on the couch and slowly fell asleep to Desperate Housewives. When I woke up it was almost 9pm I went and ate something and took a long bubble bath. It was so needed. After my bath, i went back to bed.

-The Next Day-

I got up and went and ate a little something before Ashley picked me up. I felt great but slightly nervous, which is nothing new for these events.

"Morning Kristen!"

"Morning, how are you?"

"Good you?"

"We're good?" I said

"You ready for today?"

"Yeah I guess"

When we got there I headed over to the makeup section so Laura could do my makeup and Angela came in with a dress she managed to find that would fit me.

"Hey Kristen I found this dress"

"Wow you managed to find me a dress that will probably deserve an award," I said giggling

"Haha yeah it will look good on you and they said that in this dress it won't make your bump stand out"

"That's good. I already look huge"

"You look fine," she said rolling her eyes

Laura finished my makeup and Ashley helped me squeeze into the dress. I liked how it looked on me. It was red with some lace so it didn't look like a maternity dress... thank god. We still had another hour before we were to get started so I sat as much as I could preparing for the long day ahead. I was walking over to the bathroom when I saw Rob and he saw me. He came over to me which immediately sent my nerves into overdrive.

"Hey Kristen"

"Um Hi," I said nervously

"Are you ready for today?"

"Yes I'm excited, to be honest"

"Cool! I'll see you out there then bye" and then he left

I found that confrontation very strange but shrugged it off. I went to the bathroom and then headed over to where Ashley was. After she was done we went over to where Nikki was and waited for her to get done. Before we knew it we were being called onto the carpet. I was the 2nd to walk out behind Rob. People were yelling congrats to me and who's the father? I did some solo photo shoots and did others with the cast. We had been there for about 3 hours and still had about 4 hours to go and tons of interviews on the carpet to do. I had not really moved from the spot I was in in the past 10 minutes. It wasn't as busy on the carpet as I would have thought. We were outside and thankfully it was only 65 degrees out so I was thankful for that. After a while, Ashley summoned me to come stand by her so we could get pictures together..i started walking and immediately knew something was wrong. Then all the sudden my water broke. In front of everyone. oh shit...

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