Happy 4th of July part 2

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"Lets go somewhere quieter" I said as peyton started to stir underneath my arms and looked like she was about to cry because of the loud music

"I agree" Nikki said

We went down by the pond that my parents had away from the house. You could still hear the music but it was barely audible. We sat on the bench swing they had there. The summer breeze felt great.

"First off Kristen...hand over the baby."

I laughed and complied. Handing my baby over to Nikki who laid her against her chest.

"Ive missed you both Kristen...."

"I know and im sorry i havent been keeping in touch its been one hell of a month and things are finally starting to settle down"

"What else has happened? Besides you and Rob talking" she giggled

"Alot actually." I went onto telling her everything. From her first night home up until now. How Rob and I got to talking again to dealing with peytons PTSD after she was kidnapped and how my name was forged on contracts.

"Oh my god Kristen...no wonder you didnt keep in contact."

"Yeah its been pretty fucked up. But peyton is here and safe and thats all i care about. Shes my everything." I smiled.

"I can tell. Who do you think shes closer to at this point? You or Rob?"

"Definitely me...theres no hesitation there. Shes a mommies girl. She accepts Rob but she preferes me. I think alot of it has to do with shes only known Rob for a couple weeks. And me her whole life and before that so shes just naturally bonded with me. Even though at times it can get annoying. I love it."

"Thats great. I knew from the moment you first held her that you two would be inseparable."

"Me too... did Rob tell you she puked on me on the way here?"

"No he just said unfortunate incident."

"Unfortunate is correct. She was crying and needed to be burped so we pulled over and I got her to burp but then she puked on me. Thats why shes only in a diaper at least until our clothes get done. I have to keep the blanket around her otherwise she will scream. She hates being naked."

"I bet. Oh by the way, that picture was cute that Rob sent me of you and Peyton sleeping."

"I started gigling. Yeah I thought it was pretty cute too."

Peyton started to squirm around against Nikki and slowly started whimpering. Nikki looked at me

"She's probably hungry. It's been a while since she ate."

"Makes sense" Nikki said as she handed Peyton over to me. I took her into my arms and pulled blanket back and maneuvered the dress so I could get her latched onto my breast. After a few minutes I managed to get her latched on and then I laid the blanket over her as I laid back against the bench.

Nikki and I talked until Peyton was done eating. I grabbed a burp cloth out of her bag having already learned my lesson and draped it over my shoulder as I burped her. I got up after she was done and handed her over to Nikki while I went and switched the laundry over.

The rest of the after noon went by fast. And right before we left I changed back in my original dress and got Peyton back into her onesie.


We left my mom's and headed over to Echo park to get a good spot for the fireworks. We got there and I got Peyton out of her seat. She was asleep. Cradling her against my chest as Rob grabbed the diaper bag, the pillows and the big blanket we had brought. I grabbed the other bag that had our sodas and some food that we brought and locked the car up as  we found a spot in a wide open area. Rob put the bag down and spread the blanket onto the grass and laid the pillows down. I got onto my knees and laid Peyton on the blanket and took her blanket and laid it over her. Rob grabbed the chips out of the bag and sat on the blanket. I joined him as we both watched Peyton sleep..

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