Please! Understand!

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We got downstairs and he led me over to the couch where we both took a seat. I looked at him not knowing what to say hoping he would start the conversation.


I sat there looking at her. I didn't know what to say. She looked so beautiful with her long black hair pulled back into a ponytail and no makeup. Wearing just black sweatpants with a red velvet shirt. I was brought out of my thought when she spoke

"You're very good with Peyton," she said with a slight smile

I smiled back. "You think so? Honestly, I don't think I could be any better than you"

"I guess your right. Rob...i want you to know. I do want you in her life. I've always wanted that. She needs a father too. Not just a mother who is I guess doing ok but waiting till she fucks up still. But I also want you to know that we need to go slow...very slow...for my sanity sake. I'm not ready to completely let you back yet. I hope you understand."

"Kristen....i understand completely. I wasn't expecting you to just easily take me back. I know you far too well and I know how much you love her and you would never let her get hurt."

"Thats another thing I'm terrified of! If you leave again your not only hurting me but your hurting her too and I don't want her to go through that. Trust me she remembers more than anyone could ever imagine"

"Yeah, i know that from your interview. And I'm sorry I showed up to the hospital that night I shouldn't have done that."

"I'm sorry I freaked out. I was just so emotionally drained and I was afraid you were going to start treating me like you did on the phone and I couldn't have that...not at that moment."

"You had every right to react like you did"..."Kristen, I love you and I am willing to go at your pace. I know you need time."

" you too. I never stopped but I wasn't going to chase after you. If you wanted to leave I was going to let you. Because I had someone else to think about and figure out what I was going to do. You leaving hurt like a hell that I can't even describe but in a way, I had to try and push it aside. So I could focus on more important stuff but every time I saw you it was like you were hurting me all over again."

I took her into my arms and she cuddled closer to me.

"Anything I should know about our daughter?"

"Um well....most of it, you saw in the interview. She still has her I just want mommy moments. Her nightmares are less frequent she still is clingy but not nearly as bad...she hates diaper changes and baths um and she hates paparazzi."

"Then she definitely is our child"

She started laughing. "Yeah, no kidding. My mom said the same thing."

Peyton's tiny whimpers came over the monitor. And soon turned into full out crying

"Is she ok?" I asked Kristen

"Yeah, diaper change time."

"How do you know that?" I asked

"It's gotten easier. I'll explain it later" she said starting to head upstairs. "Do you want to change her?" she asked me

"Uh...i have no clue how to"

she started giggling "I'll show you this time"


I walked into my room and laid Peyton on my bed while I showed rob how to change a diaper and how to keep Peyton semi-calm in the process and then picked Peyton up and sat on the bed with her. cradling her against my chest and softly talked to her until she was asleep. I carefully got up and laid her back in the co-sleeper and kissed her before going back downstairs with rob. we sat back on the couch

"I love watching you with her Kristen"

I smiled not knowing what to say.

"You have a lot to learn Rob. don't worry, though. there was a time where I had to learn how to change her and burp her and all that" I said giggling

"I can imagine." he said smiling

"you will get the hang of it all before you know it. I did and I didn't think I would ever"

"You're an amazing know that?"

"Haha, i guess..there are still times where I feel like I'm not doing a good job. but I guess thats just my weird mind games I guess. "

"Do you got any beer in the fridge?"

"Nope I got rid of it all"

"When? there used to be over 5, 12 packs in there what happened to them? oh god..don't tell me you drank them all after I left you?"

I bursted out laughing.."Um no actually, I'm not that stupid to drink while pregnant and thats why I got rid of them and also I didn't want to be wasted while trying to take care of our daughter the past few weeks so I got rid of them like couple days before I had her. gave them to bill to take on the tour for you guys so they didn't go to waste and also I would never drink now anyway because I'm breastfeeding and I don't need our newborn daughter drunk and I be the reason she ends up with health issues so I wasn't even going to keep it around here anymore....."

"See what I mean when I say your an amazing mom?... you gave all that up for our daughter and trust me I know that could not have been easy"

"Nope not at all. I wanted to drink so bad but I knew it wasn't going to do me any good and all it was going to do was fuck our daughter's life up. if I wasn't pregnant at that time I would have drunk them all to be honest. trust me I wanted to to be able to drown all my feelings away and get fucked up in the process but there was no way I was going to. I wasn't going to do that to our baby. just because I was extremely pissed at you doesn't mean I was going to take it out on her"

"Thats incredible of you to do...not think about yourself "

"What is that suppose to mean?" I glared at him

" could have drank and not given a shit about our baby but you didn't. you need to give yourself some credit for that"

"Just because you didn't want a child doesn't mean I didnt..well let me rephrase that. I didn't really want a child at that point in our lives we were too young, but when I found out that we were having one all I thought about was her. you don't think you want one right then and there until you have one inside you. I know we wanted to wait a few more years but what was I suppose to do? she was growing inside of me and I immediately fell in love with her."

"Do you mind if I come back tomorrow?"

I looked at my watch ...11:30... "Shit"

"Everything ok?" he asked me confusingly

"Yeah, i didn't realize how late it was. I'm normally asleep by now"

"Oh sorry"

"Why are you sorry?" I said as I stood up

"Because I kept you up"

"It's ok. if it wasn't you, it could have been Peyton just look at it that way"

He laughed. "True very true. well, I'm going to get going I'll be back tomorrow ok?"

"It is ok ill message you when I get up"

"Good idea. I love you, Kris"

"I love you too," I said smiling as he leaned in and kissed me

When he was finally gone I snuck upstairs and sat on my bed looking at Peyton sleeping. I brushed my fingers over her cheek and sighed "I hope I'm doing the right thing baby girl. I guess we will see. goodnight Peyton mommy loves you..... always." I laid down and spent a while thinking. if I was doing the right thing by giving him another chance. I didn't want to get hurt again....I finally fell asleep

The Start of Forever-A Robsten StoryWhere stories live. Discover now