Tears and Pain

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I had not realized how long I had been crying. wasn't even sure. It wasn't until my mom pulled my hair back and wiped my tears that I realized that I must be scaring her and was back in reality

"I'm sorry mom"

"For what?" she looked at me confusingly

"Crying so much"

"Kristen, Get real I was more worried about you when you were keeping it in. Glad you're finally letting it out. Do what you need too..."

"This is just so hard....Fuck I miss her so much...I can't help but think the worst you know" I said crying

*sigh* "yes I know hun...ive been having those thoughts too just didn't want to scare you"

"I just want her back with me. I love her so much"

"I know you do hun..can I ask you something we haven't really talked about?"

"sure go ahead can't hurt me anymore than I already am"

"what changed? you were set on adoption. I'm not saying you should have but what changed?"

"I don't know...I had been doubting myself for a while and was trying to tell myself I was doing the right thing because I was 21 and couldn't take care of a baby alone. But I couldn't go through with the adoption. yes, i was still scared shitless at the idea of taking care or her but I had to try...I suddenly felt like I was giving up on her if I went through with the adoption..so many emotions all at once you know?...I just couldn't let my baby go and I'm glad I didn't..."

"I'm so proud of you Kristen, I really am...It was amazing seeing you with your daughter for the first time."

it was almost 2 am and I want to sleep to consume me

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it was almost 2 am and I want to sleep to consume me...but I can't. my mom and I stopped talking about an hour ago. both wanting to get some sleep but having our phones up full blast. just in case

(1 hour later)

its now 3 am and I'm still laying here...wanting to sleep but I can't. then my head goes back to the days of my pregnancy and the days after I gave birth to her and I suddenly cry again. this is all too much for me. I should be awake because she needs to nurse or something, not because someone decided to take her from me. I felt like in some sick twisted way I was being punished...or maybe it's just my hormones talking. I love my daughter more than life. I mean sure I'm potentially throwing away my career but it would be worth it. yes, I was terrified during my pregnancy. Not knowing what to think and rob left when I was 12 weeks pregnant and here I am 5 days after my beautiful daughters birth screaming into cushions wondering where my baby is and if she was wondering where I was too...to me this was worse than the actual labor to bring her into this world...this fucked up world...my fucked up world

I slowly drifted off the sleep but wasn't a long sleep ...before I knew it ....the phone rang

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