The Interview Part 2

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"In the best way possible. I mean I was always searching for the next role, the next film to do and now I haven't really thought about that at all. I'm not looking for anything, I'm focusing on my daughter and thats it. it's crazy how much your life changes after having a child. I went from going to premieres, after parties. out drinking with friends. I still did that after I got pregnant except the drinking. I stopped that instantly. Being on the run constantly to curling up on the couch with my daughter watching movies, watching her sleep on me and I wouldn't have it any other way. I never really pictured myself a mom. But I think I'm doing ok for the most part."

"I'm so happy for you Kristen, I remember the last time I saw you..."

"Yeah, I think I was like 14 weeks pregnant. that tells you how long it's been" I said giggling

"Yeah, no kidding. So correct me if I'm wrong but I heard your house got broken into a couple weeks ago. is that correct?"

"Kinda yes, um yeah my house got broken into. I was asleep downstairs"

"What did they take?"

"Her...they took my daughter"

"Your kidding right?"

"I wish I was but I'm not"


"There was a personal connection. Her former adoptive parents were the ones that took her."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah. it was hell."

"As a mom, what was going through your head?"

"I was petrified. of course, that might be an understatement. there were so many things going through my head. they weren't good either. I smoked for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. she was gone for about 7 hours but it felt way longer and at that time I didn't know who had her. I didn't find that out until the next day. it was just so hard emotionally and mentally and I was a mess. she was 5 days old at that time"

"What was it like being reunited with your daughter?"

"Incredible and heartbreaking at the same time. when we got to the hospital and they finally took me back to see her that was the heartbreaking part. seeing her screaming in the nurse's arms and when the nurse handed her to me I broke down. and seeing her look at me and seeing her eyes as red as they were and grabbing onto my shirt because she was scared that I was going to leave her again was the most heartbreaking thing ever. it took a lot of persuasion to get her to fall asleep even tho she was on my chest. she was shaking and it was just so horrible to watch. I was so mad at whoever took her because I knew she was going to be clingy for a while and I was right, she would not let me out of her sight for the longest time. The first day after it happened she would not let me put her down period. and if I did I had to keep one hand on her somehow even if it was just holding her hand. it was hard and every time she would cry or scream it made me hate the people that took her more."

"How is she coping now?"

"Better. she still has her moments but there a lot less frequent and she's letting other people hold her again which is great. there was a time where my mom couldn't even hold her. she would immediately freak out until she was back in my arms"

"Kristen, I'm so sorry this happened to you guys"

"Thank you, I'm just glad she's safe with me again," I said as I looked down at my daughter who was still asleep in my arms.

"Ok last question"


"How has it been with the paparazzi since she was born."

"Crazy. when I was pregnant they would always try and ask questions and I always got nervous when they got near me and now I'm more nervous I guess. I think it because you have to try and get through the crowds while you're holding your baby and trying not to trip"

"Yeah, that would be hard."

"Very thats for sure."

"Well thank you for coming and congrats on this little cutie"

"Thank you"

I carefully got up trying not to wake Peyton and headed backstage. I was so glad I was not in heels. Otherwise, I would not have even attempted to carry her across a stage. Cassie held her while I packed everything up and went to the bathroom.

"Hey, sweetie", I said to Peyton as Cassie handed her back to me. I thanked Cassie and she walked with us out to my car. I got Peyton situated and hugged cassie before we left. Peyton started crying when we pulled in the driveway. I knew I should have fed her before we left. when we got inside I threw the diaper bag on the couch and headed upstairs. I laid Peyton who was still crying on the bed while I grabbed some Pajamas and changed. I needed to get out of this dress, breastfeeding would be impossible in it without ripping it. "Peyton, it's ok mommy's here," I told her as I came out of the bathroom. I picked her up and sat in the rocking chair with her and began to feed her. she settled down and slowly fell asleep.

It was 5:30pm and I was so tired. I decided that since she was asleep I would take a nap. I carefully got up and laid her in her bed after i burped her. I gently kissed her and told her I loved her before climbing into bed and quickly falling asleep.

(2 hours later)

I woke up to my phone ringing but I wasn't the only one it woke up. Peyton also woke up and started crying. Shit, I said under my breath as I frantically searched for my phone. I finally found it in my dress pocket in the bathroom.

"Hello? Who is it?"

"Hey, Kris its are you?"

"I'm ok..hey can you hang on a minute please you woke the baby up"


I threw the phone on the bed and went over to Peyton who was still crying. "Hey, it's ok," I told her as I picked her up and held her against me. "Shhh its ok..."her cries turned into whimpers as I grabbed the phone and laid on the bed with her.

"Hey sorry about that"

"It's ok I know you have been busy lately"

"No kidding Rob" I giggled.

"I read your interview Online"

*sighed* "I'm sorry"

"Kristen why are you apologizing? I should be the one to apologize, I should have never said anything about the adoption. Is it alright if I come over? So we can talk?"

"Um...*sigh* Sure"

"Ok ill be there in a little bit ok?"

"Sounds good.... bye"


I threw my phone down on the bed and picked Peyton up from next to me and laid her on my chest. "Your daddy's coming," I said to her. I admit I was nervous about him coming. I didn't know what he meant by talk...more screaming?

Peyton was fighting sleep and it was actually cute to watch. Watching her eyes slowly close and then she would wake back up. she didn't want to go to sleep but in the end, sleep won. I couldn't help myself but giggle. I changed her before I laid her in the co-sleeper and headed downstairs to get me a drink. Before I had to deal with Rob

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