Chapter 7

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The news. It shocked us all. On the last day of training, we all went to the dining hall, and the atmosphere was great. We couldn't wait for training to be over! We'd worked our bums of, tried out best, and we all wanted to know the outcomes of the experiment. We had finished breakfast and we were about to leave the long, rusty table, when Atrox cleared his voice loudly.

He declared, "We have been telling a few fibs."

I heard some gasps and mutters.

He continued, "I'm just going to get straight to the point; there was no experiment. We were doing a test, but not for what you thought it was for. It was to find out who will be the next Queen of The Aqua."

There were more, louder, gasps and mutters.

"We have chosen a new Queen, based out the feedback from our 'scientists', to take the crown from Bellus."

We all started talking amongst ourselves.

I heard someone saying "Oh, I hope it's me!", I heard another say, "What is going on?" I agreed with the second one. Why would you want to be a queen? Too much responsibility, too much bossing people around. I'd prefer to stay as I am, and fight for The Aqua. I wasn't really enjoying it here, but I was getting used to it. I wanted to know how my family were, if they were missing me. I was missing them.

"Wait! There's more." Atrox announced, "The chosen queen will have to marry our son, Decorus."

That's why he hadn't been talking to me.

"The next Queen of The Aqua has been chosen to be..."There was a long climatic silence, "Abigail Harvers."

All eyes were on me. I froze. What the heck was going on? Did he just say MY name?

"Please come forward, Abigail." I obediently shuffled towards Atrox.

Bellus spoke next, "We chose you for your skills, practical and mental. You have always been evaluated with good, consistent scores, and we know you personality from outside of training. You are the perfect role model, and I will gladly pass my crown to you."

My brain was working over drive. You've chosen me to be the next queen? I realised I may have had good scores, but I didn't think I was any sort of role model! I had forgotten about the most important thing.

I had to marry Decorus.

I felt my self fall down a black hole, colours of different shapes everywhere. Then, I was gone.

Untold TaleOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz