Chapter 6

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Training was hard. Me and Cynthia got along, flying around together, talking about backgrounds. I told her my story, she told me hers. She was fostered as a child, so was never told about her gift. She ended up finding out for herself when a faerie started following her around. On the same day as me, she was captured by that faerie, and brought here. We knew how the others felt.

We had the same ritual everyday, woke up, had breakfast, then training. After 2 lessons, we had dinner, another 3 lessons, then we had time to chill. Most of us went into the experiments room, where there was a pool table, a TV, and a few books. I usually go and talk to Cynthia and chat to some of the others.

I hadn't seen Decorus in a while. When ever I passed him in the corridor or saw him somewhere, a tingle ran down my spine. I'd never felt that before. When ever I thought about him, my heart beat faster and faster.

Back to the point, we were there for a few weeks now, me and Cynthia were best mates, we shared a room, and our trainging was nearly completed. We learnt how to master the art of flying, how to control our powers, even small things like how to cook faerie food. I got used to it after a while, but I still found it a bit weird. We also had an evaluation at the end of the week, to see how we were developing our faerie abilities.

I was doing quite well, developing at normal rate, picking things up easily. Cynthia, on the other had, wasn't. She was dyslexic, so she couldn't learn Aquain very well (The Aqua language). At the end of 3 weeks we got a mark on everything out of ten. I got mostly 7's and 8's, the occasional 9. Cynthia got lots of 6's, but for Aquain, she got a 3. That was the lowest out of all of us.

Cynthia ran off, but when I went back to our room, she was there, hidden under her duvet. I heard the quiet snuffling. I cuddled her, comforted her. After a while she completely forgot about it. We were back to normal,  but one day from the end of training. Everything was normal. Until IT happened.

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