Things We Worked

Depuis le début

"Yes sir." I looked at the ground. "But, my brother, I haven't gotten to say goodbye."

The man clicked his tongue, threw my unpacked suitcase over his shoulder and walked out the door.

"Take him, boys!" I heard him yell.

I grabbed onto whatever I could find, the nearest thing was the bedpost. I gripped it like it was the only thing keeping me alive, which it was.

Two bigger men came in and grabbed me by my legs and shoulder, pulling me, forcing me to join them.

"Azun! Help me!" I cried, tears pouring down my face, my voice tired from screaming. I knew he couldn't hear me, our telekinesis only went one way. "Azun!"

My arms gave way as I fell to the ground, banging my nose against the floor. I felt it break. I screamed out in pain as warm blood flooded my mouth from my stupid nose.

Those men picked me up by each of my arms and dragged me out, my legs scraped the cold floor. They took me down the hallway and into the elevator. I stared ahead, looking at the other side of the hallway at the other elevator, as the light clicked.

The door opened and Azun walked out, the expression on his face looked as if he had just killed a man. He gasped as he saw me, being held against my will and covered in my own blood. I don't know what went through his head, but he burst into action.

"Thaniel!" He yelled, running to me. "Hold on!"

"Azun!" I screamed. "Help me!"

Azun ran, faster then I have ever seen him run before. I saw the doors to our elevator closing, I kicked and screamed, trying to prevent them from separating us. But nothing worked, the short man just held down the close door button with his giant thumb.

"Azun! Don't let them take me!" I yelled.

"Thaniel! Hold on, stay alive!"

Azun was almost there, the doors were closing, he could make it. The doors were two inches from being shut, he was two feet away. The doors closed right as Azun's hands hit the elevator. Just like that, he was gone.

And I didn't even get to say goodbye.

The door opened and we were on the bottom floor. The man clicked his key into the elevator, locking it from moving. He then went to the stairs and other elevator, doing the same thing.

Azun was trapped up there, he couldn't save me. The men dragged me out to their van, throwing me in the back seat. I looked at the window up at Azun's balcony. It was empty and dark.

I felt hopeless, and helpless. The man started the car and drove away from my house. Little did I know that this would be the last time I would see it when I was still myself.

They drove past Vestry's shop. That little bricked place with the garbage bins full of damaged chunks of metal and oil stains on the sidewalk. It was this place where I was given a chance, where all my deepest secrets were held, where nobody would ever think to look for a rebel.

When Vestry was first demanded to go to war, he fought back against Dad, he even fought against Luke. Nobody had ever done that before. He was a rebel, trained for years once there were rumors of another war. He knew he would be forced to fight and he denied it, stepping out of his comfort zone, almost killing Luke as they went back to back in a duel.

Things We LostOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant