Things We Asked

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I flew downtown. No cars were on the streets, no people roamed around the city. It was long past the legal curfew time. I was literally the only one on the street. Mike, my eldest brother, set the curfew time years ago. He and my other brother, Luke, are the most demanding people you will ever meet. They are off in Francium now, spending more time there with the ladies then they did actually commanding the war. They came up with the brilliant rules that restricted our personal freedoms as a way to keep everyone in line to keep a revolution off their hands. I don't want a revolution either, but if push comes to shove, I would never side with them. All I could hear was the echoing sound of myself crying and the wind rushing past my ears as I flew past the buildings and shops.

Why would dad do this to me? All I asked for was to be a doctor ever since I was six. Dad agreed it was a great idea. Azun helped me plan my way through school so I would graduate at the age of thirteen and get my part of the power at fourteen. From there on, I could make my way to becoming a doctor. It would have taken a lot of work, but would have been worth it help all those people, to be a Zodiac hero like everyone before me.

I landed on the ground and tucked my wings behind me. They weren't so good for walking around. They got in the way a lot. I needed something to tuck them away so I could look mostly normal as I walked and not knock over garbage bins.

I made my way down a few shops till I arrived at my brother Vestry's mechanical store. He was mostly a mechanic, but he doubled as a collector of things and antiques. Vestry would be the one to have anything that would help me.

"Vestry?" I called out. The shop was dark but I knew he would be here, he never left the shop.

"In the back." I heard his voice. "Shop's closed."

"It's Nathaniel." I called.

Dang it, I forgot that wasn't my name anymore. I had to come up with something better. Simon would be a good name, I would rock at the Simon says game. I want something more classy and old school style. Maybe something that sounded cool, like Enzo or Aros. Nah, I will think of something eventually.

"Hey there, bro." Vestry came out from the back.

He had on some old stained overalls and a vest. I spotted a wispy beard on his defined chin. His greasy black hair was combed over to one side of his head, and his skin was dark brown but his eyes were bright green.

"What brought you here? The rebels aren't meeting for another few weeks, it's dangerous to be here. Luke knows I am part of the rebel forces against dad, and if he ever knew where my shop was... wait! Shouldn't you be out enjoying your gift?" He set down a screw driver. "That's all you have been talking about."

"I need something." I got straight to the point, I only had three days. "Something to help me win a war, ultimate power but I need it to be travel size."

"That's quite a request." Vestry wiped oil from his hands. "May I ask what it is for?"

"It's kinda personal, but it has to do with me being in military."

"You?" Vestry laughed. "You in the military! You've got to be joking! The military is where people die, and I know if you saw someone die you would mature."

Maturing to a Zodiac is a big deal. When you reach a certain age or have a dramatic event in your life, your brain sends signals throughout your body. Like everyone normal would mature mentally, Zodiac's mature physically as well. Basically, I would become immortal if I matured right now.

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