I went through training for a month, not having to learn much since I knew almost all of what they wanted me to know from the military. The biggest thing they had to test was where my loyalties lied, with the government or Osvaldo, the mafia, and if I could be trusted, other wise I would have been shot.

During that month, I couldn't leave the concrete cell they kept me in. But after that awful month I was transferred to the guards living quarters where I had to room with Marco.

It's not like we got to talk a lot then, we both had to work different shifts, standing watch. It was after about six months of that that Marco and I started really talking and developing a friendship. We shared our stories, how we came to be and why we were there, working for a mafia boss. I discovered that I was a year older than him and he was actually a really sentimental person, always carrying around a small stuffed bunny his kid sister had given him before her untimely death.

It took him a while for him to open up about how he ended up there. But once I heard the story I understood why it took him so long to open up.

He had been raped as a boy, by his father, apparently it had become the norm for him at a very young age, but it scarred him for life, no doubt about that. His mother was an alcoholic and druggie, the only way he kept his sanity was his little sister, but once she was murdered, by their father, he lost his shit and killed him.

He got sent to a juvenile detention center until he was old enough to go to prison. As soon as he got parole Osvaldo got word of it and snatched him up. Apparently Osvaldo knew Marco's father and he knew how shitty he was and Marco reminded him of his own son, so he decided to help him.

He took him in and paid for a therapist to see him regularly and once his mood was stabilized he agreed to be a guard and began training. 

To this day Marco still sees the therapist, but only on the bad days where my support can't help.

It wasn't until I had been there for a year when I started to grow feelings for Marco, wanting nothing but to protect him and hold him close.

But it was a while before I grew the balls to tell him.

I had just gotten back from my night shift and Marco was just getting up to start his.

"Hey, Ortiz." He greeted, offering a smile.

I smiled back and gently touched his shoulder, he didn't flinch when I touched him anymore, "Hey, there's something I want to tell you."

He looked at me, confused and stopped tying his shoes.

I took a seat beside him, "This is probably going to freak you out, but please just don't freak out." I whispered, studying those deep green eyes which I had come to love so much.

"I like you, Marco. Like more than friends." I said, not breaking our gaze, "I want to kiss you and hold you and never let you go."

He was silent, frozen in his spot, "Say something." I begged.

He took in a breath, "I don't know what to say."

"Say what you feel." I coaxed.

He looked right into my eyes and took a long time to answer, "I like you too."

I smiled, my hand moving to his neck as I slowly move closer to him. I don't know what had come over me but I kissed him. I knew it was too soon to do that to him, especially after what he had been through.

He flinched as my lips covered his, but he didn't pull away. After a few seconds I finally pulled away and he bit his lip.

"You better go, before you're late." I said and he nodded, looking distracted and red faced.

He finished getting ready and walked out. He was good at hiding his emotions, so no one would know how he was truly feeling once he started working. 

After that encounter our relationship bloomed, very slowly, but bloomed none the less. Marco allowed me to touch him more and show affection, though it took a while for him to get used to me doing those things. It took even longer for him to reciprocate the actions.

But I wasn't complaining.

I wasn't expecting Enzo to let me stay in his mansion after I was shot but I knew Marco was happy so he could watch over Liam and still be able to check on me without leaving the house.

After helping Liam constantly with the garden and just being there when he wanted us, we had grown what I would call a friendship of sorts. I was surprised how fast Marco had warmed up to him, maybe he saw some of himself in Liam and so he just wanted to protect him and watch over him. I felt the same way, feeling like I would have to protect him from Enzo in the beginning.

But there was no need for me to worry about him now though. Liam had grown to like Enzo, as Marco told me anyway. Enzo would protect Liam with his life but Liam didn't want that, because he didn't want to lose him.

Marco laid beside me then, telling me all about what had happened downstairs when Enzo got back. I wrapped my arm around him, careful of my side and kissed his temple.

He smiled and looked up at me, his head resting on my shoulder. He reached his arm up to brush my hair back. 

"I have to go back to the living quarters soon." He informed me.

I frowned, "No one will care or notice. Enzo already knows and if he didn't Liam would probably tell him if he asked. Just stay here." I kissed his forehead.

"But I don't want to hurt you, you need proper rest." He argued.

"I'll be fine with you right here." I whispered, holding him close.

"Don't hurt yourself, Ortiz." He said, backing away.

"I'm fine. " I insisted.

I shifted as my side began to throb, causing me to grunt in pain, "What's wrong?" He asked, sitting up.

"Nothing, it just hurts a little." I said.

"Your lying, I'll go get Dr. Mettio." He said getting up.

"No, it's fine, just give me my pain medication." 

He turned to me, "You haven'e taken it yet?"

"No, I wanted to be awake, so I could talk to you." 

"You're crazy." Marco sighed, getting a pill from the bottle and handing me a glass of water, I down the pill and convinced Marco to lay back down with me.

It wasn't long after that before I fell asleep, Marco in my arms, studying me closely to make sure I was alright.

Now you know a little bit about Ortiz and Marco. 

My Mafia Husband {ManxBoy} [Complete]Where stories live. Discover now