"Alright brother!" Azun grabbed me and knelt down so he could look me straight in the eye. "Remember, smile and you will do great. I will be in the stands if you need me."

He walked with me to the grand hall. The whole building was made out of gold and ruby stones, and it sparkled in the sunlight. Inside there were many different balconies and seats to fill with thousands of people. Azun left me at the wooden front door and went inside to get a seat with the rest of my horrible family.

Okay Nathaniel, I told myself, you got this. Just like we practiced in Azun's room, walk with confidence and smile.

I pushed open the two big doors and walked down the aisle, lined with flowers of all kind. The crowd stood up and cheered when I walked in, I was so happy I would get to serve them all shortly. My blue eyes gazed at the ceiling lined with all sorts of paintings. I always wondered how the artist reached such a great height to paint.

My duties as a Zodiac are quite important, in fact, everyone would be relying on me for every decision. Azun had taught me everything I would need to know about what to do. I felt that I was prepared to receive my calling.

Dad and my two older brothers, Mike and Luke stood at the front. I could see Azun and my other brother Ames above in a booth. Ames didn't care about anyone but himself, he sat playing on his Net-pad but Azun waved and cheered for me. My other brother, Vestry, couldn't come, Luke had a death sentence hanging over Vestry's head. I wish he could be here, however Azun promised to film the whole thing for him.

I waved at my older brothers and smiled. I reached the front and knelt down on one knee onto the velvet carpet, like Azun showed me.

"Nathaniel." My father announced. "You have come to the age of fourteen years old, and by this age are eligible to receive your part of the twelve."

The crowd cheered. I couldn't help but smile so hard I thought my face would fall off. Mike and Luke were the most famous out of all the Zodiac family.

Mike had bright blond hair and blue eyes, he was the strongest of us all, his muscles were bigger than my whole face! He became the official general after he received his power of teleportation. Mike was kind of an idiot, that's the nice way to put it. He had strong points, just not a lot of them. He wasn't fit to lead. Azun always told me that one day, the rebels would overthrow those unfit to govern.

Luke was just the opposite, pale face, green eyes and black hair. He was skinny and extremely smart, he worked as a brain surgeon and was second in command to Mike in the army. Luke was the brains of this operation between Dad, Mike and himself. Every plan they stated for the planet, Luke came up with days before. He was a quick thinker and sharp and skilled with his words. He could prove any lawyer wrong in less then a minute. That's why the rebels feared him.

"You have outgrown your childhood name." Mike took over the stand. "From now on the Sagittarius title will be your symbol. You are free to choose a new name whenever you desire from this point on."

"Nathaniel you are the seventh born in this family." Luke took over from Mike. "Your destiny power piece from the twelve shatters is inside this box." He pointed behind him to the box enlaid with jewels and made of fine silver.

"My son." My dad took back over. "Open the box and receive your destiny."

My father was a horrible man. He had black hair trimmed neatly and brown eyes. I remembered the stories Azun told me about him. I felt ashamed to be his child. I couldn't imagine doing something that horrible..... like killing a planet.

Just as I had practiced with Azun I walked up to the box, but then I froze. I forgot to breathe, this was so nerve racking. What if I messed up and dad wasn't proud of me? What if I couldn't use my power and it became a force of dark? What did I do if I didn't like the power I am given? Forget my problems with my family and the rebels, I had my own problems.

You got this. I heard Azun's voice in my head.

He was given the ability of earth and also received telepathy in the deal. It was our little secret, we could talk together, even if we were on different planets - well, he could talk to me, I couldn't really reply but he could listen in on my thoughts. I remembered all the long talks we would share at night after our bedtime. They were nice.

When he got his power, he changed. His hair turned jet black and his eyes turned silver like diamonds. Would my powers change me? I don't think I would like change, yet Azun's voice calmed me as I opened the box.

The box gave off a bright glow and a blast shot forth that flew around the room like a firework. The bright white light was blinding to my eyes, as it came around and moved in spirals around me like birds circling their prey, till it hit me on my back.

Wings sprouted from my back, giant white feathered wings that were taller then a full grown man. I saw Azun's eyes widen as he finished with the video. I gazed upon my wings, feeling the soft feathers, they were magnificent.

"My seventh son has been granted the power of Flight!" My father announced.

The crowd cheered. I could see Azun in the stand, he was giving me a standing ovation. He was the only one proud of me. Mike and Luke came and shook my hand out of disappointment that I didn't get a power as cool as theirs. Dad barely looked my way.

"Now go and serve the people of Malison with pride." Luke whispered to me, his voice full of despair because of what I was chosen to receive.

I jumped into the air and flew out the doors and into the sky. Flying came so naturally to me, like walking, you don't need much thought to do it. I scared a bird as I flew past it, I think it passed out from the sky. I felt truly meant for this power.

I didn't care that I didn't get something as useful as teleportation or time travel. I loved these marvelous wings, they made me free!

I tumbled through the clouds, the winds flowing through my brown hair as I flew higher and higher into the sky.

The clouds were softer than cotton candy and pillows and blankets and the grass in our backyard. I had never felt this feeling before. If I could, I would take a cloud home with me.
The cold didn't bother me. I just felt free up here in the sky. The Northern Lights of Malison lit up the darkness as I flew into them and the colors rained upon me. The sunset in the west created a spectrum of orange and yellow and red across the night sky.

This was my beautiful home.
This is where I live.
This is where I will be forever.

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