Chapter 1

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In good NaNoWriMo prep fashion, I present to you a teaser of what I'll be writing for the month of November. I reserve the right to change this chapter. I'll release chapters starting in December. Enjoy and let me know what you think!


|*Sang's POV*|

I was huddled behind the dumpster glad that my small body was once again a good thing. Not even a foot away was a dead rat and the air smelled of garbage, pee, and vomit. But that was preferable than dealing with the men who were currently stalking the night. They came around like clockwork. Every Tuesday and Wednesday night. Some nights they were successful, other nights, they weren't. I really hoped they weren't tonight.

A shadow passed by the one light fixture in the alley and I immediately recognized the tall lanky girl in little clothing.

Her bedroom brown eyes squinted as she tried to see into the dark shadows but I knew she couldn't see me tucked behind the dumpster. She held onto her heels so she could walk quietly.


Her voice was barely a whisper but my ears had no problem picking up my name.

"Ailee," I responded. "Get in here."

Her shoulders slumped in relief and she looked around before ducking beside the dumpster and out of sight.

"Help me," I said, pushing the dumpster to get it further away from the building in a slanted way so the part closest to the street was still pressed against the wall.

It didn't take us long to push it enough to give her room to slip in next to me.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"A block over. They caught two more."

I shook my head, hurting for the two homeless people who were going to disappear.

"Another hour or two and they should be gone," Ailee said, her lips turned towards my ear so we didn't have to speak louder than a breath and end up attracting attention.

"I don't think I can stay still this time," I said.

Her eyes widened and I felt her body shake.

"You can't."

"I can. I thought about this. I think I know a way to get them free."

"You were almost caught the first time!" she hissed and we flinched when she realized her voice got too loud.

We stilled and listened, looking for signs that we were discovered.

"I'm doing it," I said. "Stay here and stay hidden. I'll get them."

My resolve hardened as I went over my plan. I couldn't let more of them disappeared only for their bodies to be found in the Charleston Harbor.

I paid attention, I wasn't stupid. They preyed on the homeless because no one cared and wouldn't miss them. I saw Mac's broken body and the wounds on them when he was fished out of the water. He only survived a week at most.

I nodded to myself. "I'm doing it."

"But they'll get you."

I smiled sadly at her. "I can't live with myself if I just watch. My own sister and father just watched as my stepmother punished me. I won't be like them."

She pulled me into a tight hug, fearing for me. I returned the hug.

I knew she wasn't going to come and I held nothing against her. Any amount of time on the street taught you to think of yourself first.

Nomad 101 (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin