Chapter 21 "Bear"

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Wasup guys, BecaBacca here full of emotion. Christmas is 10 weeks away! *squealing* Can't wait! It's finally starting to get cooler and I get to wear sweaters and hoodies with out being cooked alive! Anyways school is killing me but band is almost over which is a good thing. More time to write and draw. So yeah, grab a mug of Aj, sit back, and enjoy!

"Has anyone told you you're beautiful? Well you are one hot sun ;) I Love YOU person behind the screen."

Dan's POV

I woke up to the sound of crying. Phil was sleeping at the foot of my bed, curled up in a ball. I slid off the side not to wake him since he needed sleep and made my way towards the sound. It was coming from Pj's room. I did a silent knock then opened the door enough to poke my head in. "Pj, you okay?" I asked and he sniffled so i walked into his room and closed the door. He just sat with his knees pulled up to his chest, sobbing softly. I sat besides him and hugged him. "I am nothing Dan." He pushed me away. "Pj?" "Just leave me alone!" He snarled louder and finally looked up at me. His eye was swollen from what looked to be a punch. "He said I couldn't have her Dan. She told me she didn't want me." My heart broke at the sound of his crying voice. "You want to tell me what happened?" I pushed trying to get some info out of him. " After the movie I followed Rebecca deeper into the woods and I asked her to be my girl friend. S-she rejected me saying she only thought of us as..." All hell broke loose and he was sobbing uncontrollably. I rubbed soothing circles into his back. "It's okay friend. Let it out." 

His crying sounded so strange to me. I never knew Pj to cry so this must have cut him deep. "Just think, this means there is still someone out there for you who is more amazing and at least you two can stay friends." That only seemed to make him cry more.

 An hour went by and he was slowly falling asleep. The door creaked and I looked up to see Phil's head peek through the door. I got off Pj's bed with extreme caution to not wake him then I pulled his covers and tucked him in. Phil watched as I tiptoed to the door and closed it. "What was wrong?" He asked as we walked back down the hall to my room. "Nothing, just a mood swing." I knew Phil would see right through the lie but he didn't say anything. 

We sat on my bed in silence. The curtains were open revealing a full moon that highlighted the room in a silver glow. "I don't want to go back." Phil broke the lasting silence. "I don't belong there. They are mean and abusive, I can't take all the 'jokes' they speak. I want everyone happy but they are just flat out evil." Phil was now staring at me with his baby blue eyes. "Phil Lester, you don't have to go anywhere you don't want to go. I want you to stay here with me, I mean us." His facial expression changed into a smile and tackle hugged me. We both laughed at nothing for a bit. I laid on the bed and Phil laid on my stomach. "Where were you for most my life?" Phil asked as I lifted my head to look at him. "Same!"

My eyes blinked softly as the milky sun light filled my room. A weight shifted on top of me. Confused I looked up and saw Phil sleeping soundly, his head laid on my chest and his body twisted off to the side. My face became a dark red as last night's recurrences hit me. I laid my head back down and looked up at the ceiling. The thought of Pj came to the top of my mind. 'So he tried to ask Rebecca out and got rejected but that doesn't explain his black eye. Or why he followed her out into the woods in the first place.' "Dan, you awake?" Phil towered over me, his jet black hair falling to the side of his face. "Y-yeah." I was so flustered I barely got out the words as he got off me and sat to the side so I could sit up. "So what are we going to do today?" He asked and looked at me with curiosity. "I need to go to the store and put together my costume being I only have about two days." Phil was already up and looking through my clothes. "I hope you don't mind if I use your clothes and shower." He smirked and walked off to the restroom. I couldn't help but just grin stupidly at him. This boy really has me messed up.

After changing clothes and getting ready I waited for Phil by the door. I checked my phone for the weather. It was colder than it has been this year. "You ready Dan?" I looked up to see Phil wearing one of my blue shirts and black skinny jeans. "Yeah. You should borrow one of my trench coats, it's cold outside." Phil shrugged then went back to my room to grab it. He came back holding a white one. "This is probably the brightest piece of clothing in your closet." I laughed at his joke but he was right. My style was darker colored t-shirts and skinny jeans. 

We walked through the cul-de-sac and to the gate entrance. They asked where we were going and I told them we were going shopping. As they took Phil and my id's to check them I noticed how the wind picked up outside of the walls. These walls always reminded me of the anime "Attack on Titan". 

"You're free to go." The man gave us our id's back and we walked of to the underground railway. Once on the train, Phil and I made small talk til we reached our stop. We skipped up the steps and into the town. Tall building seemed to touch the sky and the honks of cars filled our ears. Phil grabbed my hand and dragged me through the crowd of people. It wasn't as crowded as it could be for a weekend. 

We made it to the store and walked inside. "So what is your idea for your costume?" Phil asked as he grabbed a cart. "I don't know. Never thought about it till now." Phil rolled his eyes and started walking away. "Where are you going?" I called after him as we walked deeper into the store. He grabbed a few things as I nagged him about what he was doing. "Alright look, I think you would look good as a bear so I was going to make you a bear costume." Phil had stopped walking and was now facing me. The way he sounded made me melt and how close he was to me just did something to me. "O-okay." I managed to get out as he smirked and walked ahead. 'Holy fuck, Holy fuck, holly fuck. Calm down Dan.' I thought to myself as I followed Phil. 

When we got home after eating lunch and I watched TV while Phil made my costume. I had offered to help but he had declined saying I was a beginner. "Dan come try this on." He called and I bounded into my room where Phil was sitting surrounded by Fabric and a sewing kit next to him. I took the masterpiece as he told me how to get into it. I quickly went to the restroom and put it on then went back to show Phil. He was awe struck as I stood in the entry way. His face was so red and it took him a second to speak. "I did way too good." "What do you think?" I struck a pose and I swear I saw a different emotion in Phil but he quickly looked away. "It looks great now go change back." I bounded back and changed back into my clothes.  

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