Chapter 13 Who are YOU

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Wasup guys BecaBacca here with your rainy update! Yep school is canceled AGAIN because its flooding. We are breaking records with all this rain. Also here is some bad news. The space bar on my computer is broken so I have to smash it a few times before I get a space. Luckily I had already written this chapter so all it was-was a copy and past. Anyways grab a mug of Aj, sit back, and relax!

Cry escorted us to the room top with our lunches. He wasn't so bad which was nice though he would have been a stuck up snob but I was really impressed at how smart he was. "So is this where you eat lunch everyday?" Rebecca tried to make small talk which worked. "Yeah we decided to stay away from the noisy room of death. And because Russ might start fights." Cry whispered the last part making us both snicker. "WHat took you so long Cry? Did the Nervercal start a fight you ended?" Russ was practically bouncing around Cry wondering what he did. "No they were just worried about these two. Remember Russ no harm to them unless they start it." Russ lowered his head in respect. "Yes sir, sorry." Cry waved his hand in dismissal at Russ. I watched Cry as he went around and talked to each one of his crew members. First Red and Russ who sat together then Scott, Snake, and lastly Ken before heading back over to us to eat his lunch. We sat in silence as he slowly slid the food under his mask and ate. I felt a bit awkward so i decide to ask the one question I had on my mind. "So what is your history?" I asked and Cry stopped. "Nothing interesting." He dismissed the conversation started like it was nothing. "Sorry I just want to know more about Stretonical.' Cry seemed to shuffle a bit as he ate the last of his sandwich. "Well our house formed because all these certain groups loved to stay groups. So Stretonical really is just a giant group made of smaller groups. We don't really socialise with the other blocks but we do understand that we are a house. Like Mark's group, we don't really talk but when we have work to do we will easily team up and take care of business." I nodded and Cry seemed to relax. "The LNC stands for The Late Night Crew which was formed by none other than me. I formed it when I first moved here in the 9th grade. Russ was my first friend with his girlfriend Red. Then along came Scott who brought Snake then Ken. We all became great friends since we like first person shooters. Ever since then we have been the LNC now and forever." Cry struck a pose like he was a knight making Rebecca and I laugh. "That sounds like a lot of fun." I followed up making Cry chuckle. "There is way more to that story but I won't just share it to some people I just met." Rebecca looked away as if she was slapped. When she and I made eye contact I made a confused look at her. She said nothing then looked back at Cry. They held a gaze for a bit as if communicating in a different way.

The rest of the day we were escorted by The Late Night Crew. Everytime we passed Daren or another Persofical they gave us a nasty look. I wouldn't blame them if their own kind was disobeying orders. We walked out of school and over to a park area. Cry sat under a tree as everyone pulled out homework or other projects to do. "What's going on?" I whispered to Rebecca and she shrugged her shoulders in response. Cry looked up and motioned for us to walk over to him. "Usually after school we come here and do our homework. Afterwords we decide what we want to do later. You can leave now if you want. I know you got stuff this afternoon." Rebecca smiled and turned to go but I sat down. "I'm going to stay here. I'll catch up to you in a few minutes." She looked hesitant but eventually left. We both sat in silence for a bit before Cry broke it. "It all started my freshman year. Daren and I were best friends ever since we could remember." Cry shifted towards me as if trying to hide the words he was about to speak to me. "Daren was never like this. He was once kind and caring person. He would laugh, smile, show emotion and best of all he was compassionate. That is why I was friends with him. I'm not at all suppose to be a Stretonical, hell I don't know what I am supposed to be." Cry rubbed the back of his neck with his hand. "Sorry you just seem like the kind of person I can open up too and not get judged." I Nodded my head. "If you're not ready that's fine." "Once the four households where just four groups of kids who got along well. I just so happened to have a strong sense of family so I quickly gravitated towards Stretonical because they were all just a giant family. Daren went with me because he didn't find a neighborhood he liked so he was a Stretonical for his freshman year. Around christmas we noticed how he would leave early in the morning and not come back till midnight or so. The day I confronted him he went off the chain yelling at me for not trusting him and just scolding me. After this first outburst the bad attitude started becoming more frequent. Usually it was always directed towards me then, without my knowledge he began beating my friends. Especially the girls. It was Thanksgiving night and we were all settled down at the table to eat. Through this time I had became a leader in the house so I sat at the head of the table. We blessed the food and as we were passing it out I watched Daren get up and walk to the kitchen. Dinner continued until a scream erupted from the kitchen. When I burst into the kitchen Daren slapped a girl named Red. She had been our cook for this year's meal. "Daren what the fuck!" I screamed at him but when he turned to me all the color ran from my face. That crooked grin was planted right on his face and I realized he was gone. The boy I knew back then was gone. I dropped my head and pointed my arm at the door. "Leave." I commanded. As Daren left the house he spewed curse words and threats but no one took them seriously. What a mistake that was." Cry looked up at the sky and I then realized that his crew was gone. "Well you coming? We got a party to get you too." I stood up stunned. "H-How do you know?" He laughed his masculine laugh. "I have friends in Nervercal too! Didn't I say, I have a family even though we are separated.

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