Chapter 5 It's all still good

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Wasup guys, BecaBacca here on this amazing stormy day. School was canceled and I had a fun week with my cousins. So yeah, grab a mug of aj, sit down and enjoy!

My alarm went off signaling my unfortunate wake. I heard Chris' and PJ's alarms also going off and grunts of agony as the got out of bed. "Morning!" I yelled from where I still remained sitting in bed. PJ walked down the hallway then leaned on the arch of my doorway. "And you're the one not up yet?" Pj included sarcastically. "Woe who is the one who lays in bed." Pj turned and snickered. "I pity the fool." Chris yelled from in the house somewhere making Pj and I burst out laughing.

 The morning death rays of light escaped through the black void of curtains illuminating some of the dark room as I threw on a black t-shirt and skinny jeans. I walked into the living room where Pj sat watching TV. He was dressed in a fancy gray t shirt and blue jeans. "I'm making pancakes for breakfast. How many you want?" Chris asked from the kitchen. "I'll take 2." I answered.

 For about 10 minutes Pj and I sat watching the news as the sound of Chris' cooking filled the background. "Come and eat!" He yelled. "We are right here you don't have to scream." I retorted as I rubbed my ear in agony. We all ate together at the bar table. This was a usual since we were kind of like a family. 

After eating we gather our school supplies and put on or shoes. We walked together down to the gate where the guards were standing by the 10 foot cement wall. It was supposed to keep the student in and others out but that's how we get so fit.

 Every Friday The Nervercal neighborhood escapes for fun. Our early ancestors built a large club in the woods since our houses bordered the wall. Escaping was the easy part. The club has been here for many generations of the Nervercal's but we are the ones who allow kids from the outside houses to come and party. Sometimes we even invite other houses but they have to be blindfolded and brought to the club so they cannot know where the club. 

This is just a rule of the neighborhood. 

Tonight it was Chris' night to take care of the bar. Usually one of us had to stay sober and work the bar. I had to do it last week so I was all down for getting wasted. Occasionally though we would take a couple of friends there for a drink on school nights to celebrate passing tests or making passing grades.

 "Dan, you there?" I felt someone tapping my head as I came out of deep thought. "Sorry Pj, it's just I'm really excited for tonight." Pj smiled in understanding. "I am also really excited too. I think it's the night I will finally ask her out." Pj swooned as he spoke about tonight. "You really like that Persofical don't ya." Chris chimed in and Pj turned his blushing face away. "You're just jealous that we get to get wasted while you watch from the sidelines." Chris rolled his eyes and started walking a bit faster. Pj and I noticed this and started laughing.

 As we got to school Minx and Felix came running up to us calling our names. "You just missed it, Minx started; they beat Rebecca and the new kid up!" "It was horrible!" Felix added. My heart dropped in my chest. "R-really?" "Where are they now?!" Pj grabbed Minx and shook her. "Where are they!" "I don't know! Probably at the nurse's office!" He released Minx and raced down the hallway. I looked at Chris who nodded his head in understanding and I ran after Pj. I caught up to Pj as we rounded the corner of the hallway. 

The nurse's office was coming into view but so was The Late Night Crew. Pj and I stopped a few feet away from the group as they turned to look at us. "What are you two doing here?" Russ snarled hostilely. "What did you do to them?" Pj screeched at Russ. The large brunet's eyes where now tiny slits glaring at the two of us. "WE did nothing." A voice called from the side. It was Cry. His white mask appeared out of the doorway along with the rest of him. For some reason I always felt okay when he was leading his gang. "May I escort them with force?" Russ growled but Cry raised his hand in silence. "Pj and Dan, right?" We nodded. "There must be some misunderstanding because my crew did not attack. I came over to ask what happened but the girl, Rebecca, denied to talk and asked for us to leave. They will be back in the next two periods." Pj blinked surprised. I guess he didn't know Cry was smart.

 "I-I'm sorry for the misunderstanding." Cry shook his head at Pj and chuckled. "It's alright." Cry answered and slid his hands into his green 'Sup' hoodie pockets. "Have a good day." He dismissed himself and walked off with the Late night crew following.

 Pj stepped up to the door and knocked. "Who is it?" The nurse asked form in the room. "Is Rebecca in there?" Pj asked and the door opened. "You have five minutes." Pj and I walked into the small sterile room filled with anatomy posteres and cabinets full of medicine. At the side of the room laid a row of cots which two were occupied. "Who is it?" A voice called from one of the beds. "Rebecca, its Dan and Pj." The blob of a person wiggled a bit before getting into the sitting position. The girl was wrapped in a light blue blanket that almost matched her blue streak in her hair. "Are you alright?" Pj asked but I could tell he was holding his breath. She let out a sigh and looked away. 

"Phil was getting picked on and I stood up for him but then they started punching him and I took the rest of his beating. I'm fine though really." Pj placed his hand on her shoulder but my attention turned to the other blob that was sound asleep on the other cot. My body involuntarily walked over to him. "Phil." I breathed out his name as I observed him. His jet black hair fell over his right eye and he just looked so peaceful as he slept. My hand made contact with his soft hair and I couldn't help but feel happy as if when touching the boy you get filled with determination. 

I removed my hand and turned back over to the two who were in deep conversation. "Are we still on tonight?" Rebecca and Pj turned to look at me with a small smile. "Of course why would you ask that?" I looked back at the sleeping boy. 

"Because I want to meet him." Rebecca raise and eyebrow but said nothing.

 Tonight I was going to meet the new kid and make it be the best night of his life.

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