Chapter 14 A Kiss on the Forhead

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Wasup guys becabacca here sorry I really got to go to band camp. I will post another update later! SO yeah grab a mug of Aj, sit back, and enjoy!

Dan's POV

"Do you think Phil is okay with Cry? I mean with that masked boys background and all..." Pj placed a hand on my shoulder and spoke in a soothing tone. "Rebecca said that they were okay and that Cry was very helpful. She would never let anything happen to him." I smiled at him. Where was Pj most my life because I could have used his uplifting words.

 Tonight Minx was serving. Felix was always the dj unless we actually fought him for the position or he was sick. Tonight I wore a nice white shirt with a black vest and a red tie with black pants. Pj wore the same attire but had a purple tie. I flat-ironed my hair so it would stay down in case I had to move fast. I would look flawless doing so. 

"Hey bros I need your advice." Felix barged into our house letting in a gust of cold wind. "Should I wear my light blue tie or my plaid blue tie?" Pj and I face palmed. "The light blue one you incompetent fool. You can't look better than us." Tonight Felix was joining us for the intro. Minx was taking care of the music until Felix was done. She sure does love remixes of bands like Top or FOB which is okay. Actually on those nights we get a lot more people to come. We have a private social media so people can know our schedule which brings in certain people on certain days. Minx brings out the band kids and there is surprisingly a lot of 'em. 

As we left the house the three of us started to create small talk till we got to the wall. It was actually getting colder now since October was upon us. Winter usually comes late here. After climbing the wall we ran into Marty again. He told us that no one suspected a thing and we thanked him for helping us out. 

Our small group entered through the back door and we signaled to Minx. We had 5 minutes to rehearse our lines. When all three of us start the party we usually have a small skit to make some laughs. Minx also likes us to do these skits on her night. "1 minute." Minx whispered to us and we got into place. "3... 2..." She turned the volume down and counted down with her fingers. When she pointed one she hit the music.

 "Now ladies and gentlemen your party kings!" Her voice echoed. The curtains opened and we stepped out waving. Felix ran up and high fived a few fans but quickly retreated to us. "Hey everybody, how's it been going?" Felix asked and many different answers can from around the full room. "So you all know that in two weeks it's Halloween right?" Pj stated then I stepped up to finish his sentence. "That means next Friday we will be closed." I looked over at Felix. "BUT, the Friday before Halloween night we will holding the annual Dark Night Costume Contest!" The crowd went nuts.

 This event was well loved just like the Christmas egg nog drinking contest and the summer water gun fight and other smaller events we hold. "And the more you donate the better the event will be!" Pj winked out into the ground and I swear I could hear a few girls squeal. "Oh come on Pj, you know I always win. Just give up." Felix struck a sexy pose and Pj laughed. "In your dreams, "Pewdiepie" will not win this year!" "Guys guys guys," I interrupted, "we all know I will win." I did a sly wink at the crowd and they went crazy screaming the names of who they thought would win. 

All three of us stood face to face spewing fake insults at each other about who would win. "Alright boys that enough, we will just have to see who win when it happens." Minx bounded up to the side of the stage. "Be here the week after next to see who win, boxes for donations will be at the entrance. Put your money on who you think will win!" Felix walked over to take back the Dj booth and played the first song of the night, Fourth of July by Fall Out Boy. 

All the money went towards drinks and decorations. Troye and Tyler would come her that whole week with some of their friends and help decorate. They will also be judging along with Mattpat. Last year Felix won with his amnesia costume. This year I plan on going as a emo zombie prince. Yeah I might need to work on my choice.

 I followed Pj to the back where Rebecca and Phil were sitting. I felt like getting hammered tonight but I real just wanted to talk to Phil. "Hey!" He greeted as soon as he saw me and Pj. "How have you been?" I asked as I planted myself besides him and Pj joined Rebecca on the other side. "Great and you?" His smile was so contagious I can't help but smile too. "It actually hasn't been that bad." "Nice skit back there. Does it get you a lot of money?" He tilted his head in curiosity. "In fact it does. We use the money for decoration and drinks more than costumes for ourselves." I answered before flagging Dodger. "What can I get ya?" She asked smiling at our table. "I'll go for a nice cold beer please." "Rebecca and I would like some vodka!" Pj chimed in. "Gotcha! Coming right up!" She cheerfully bounded off towards the bar.

 "I'm going to be serving in shifts that night. So you won't see me this long and you better cheer for me in the contest." Phil laughed happily. "Do you have any Ideas on what to wear?" "Well I was going to do a Emo Zombie Prince." Phil burst out laughing catching a few half drunk bystanders attentions. "Take the emo part out and that sounds like a good idea! I can help you out with zombie make up, i've been practicing." "How?" I asked because I knew he couldn't have access to that good of stuff. "I uhhh.. Watch some youtube videos!" He clearly was lying but I would let it pass since it wasn't a big deal. 

"So what are you going as?" I asked him and he tapped his chin in thought. "I really don't know. I'll have to get back to you on that." We both chuckled as Dodger walked up with our drinks. "Philly I see you didn't order anything. Did you want something?" Phil shook his head then answered. "No thanks I am fine." I shrugged my shoulders then downed the cool beverage. The burning in my throat made me feel alive. A few drinks later and I was wasted.

~~~~~~~~ CHANGE TO PHIL POV ~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Pwilllllll i wanna go home." Dan cuddled my arm. Why was he so cute? "Of course we can. I think Pj is about to pass out." I chuckled to myself and waved over to Minx who was steadily herding the people to the exit. She waved back in acknowledgment and I walked the three drunk teens to the back door to avoid the crowd. "You three are going to need to stop drinking this hard." I mumbled to myself as Rebecca and Pj chased each other in a game of tag.

 "Phillll carry meh." Dan complained and I stopped. 'Don't do it' I thought but I couldn't stop myself. I leaned over and planted a soft kissed Dan's forehead. "PHWIL KISSED MEH!" Dan cheered and I quickly covered his mouth with my hand hoping Pj and Rebecca where too drunk to notice. "Shhh this is a secret you mustn't tell anyone. Mkay?" He made eye contact up at me with a huge grin, his eyes told me that he was so drunk he would forget. "Phi kissed me." He whispered and I chuckled. "Danny boi where you at?" Pj slurred. "Oh shit what up." Dan answered and wobbled over to the other drunks. "You're such a meme Dan." I laughed and walked them home with the images still fresh in my head. 'What if he remembers ?' I asked myself but I quickly smiled it off. The I will have a boyfriend.

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