Chapter 11 Who?

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Wasup guys BecaBacca here with your update. 25 more then this book will have 100 reads! So thank you to all who are reading! Love you! This is also crappy chapter but it has some important stuff :/ Better chapter will be posted tomorrow. So yeah grab a mug of Aj, sit back, and enjoy!

I awoke to a sore pain coming from my limbs. This could either be from the intense work out or something else , I never can tell. "Dan get up, we got to go to school. You can't just sleep in all day because your body aches. So does ours." Chris came barging into my room with his obnoxiously loud voice. I rolled out of bed and got dressed.

Pj was already in the kitchen making a bowl of cereal as I grabbed my box of cereal and a bowl. "We need to go shopping this afternoon." Pj noted as he closed the refrigerator door. He poured milk into his bowl then passed it to me and i did the same. We both sat at the bar and ate our breakfast in silence. Chris came in and took a muffin package from the box. "So today we have a math test." CHris broke the silence with a mouth full of muffin. "Yep luckily we studied." Last night after lunch we had studied since we were bored.

~'le time skip~

I tapped my pencil on my desk as I eye balled the clock. Mr. Jacobs was passing out the graded tests but I really didn't care.

5 more minutes.

He walked up to me and placed the test on my desk. "Good job Dan." He commented then winked before turning to the next kid.


I caught Connor looking over at me, his hand waving wildly.


The bell rang and I raced out of the classroom, Connor right on my heels. "Dan slow down!" He called and I slowed a little for him to catch up. "I'm so happy we both made a 100 on our writing assignment." I was too busy speed walking through the sea of high school kids to notice what Connor was saying.

When I made it to the lunch table I found Felix sitting there texting away but as I approached he looked up. "Wow you're here early. What's the reason?" I threw my stuff under the seat then sat down. "I donu, just felt like it." Felix laughed then got serious. I turned around to see Phil and Rebecca both being escorted by the group of Persofical's. Both of them looked really uncomfortable. "We need to do something." I muttered to Felix but he said nothing.

Throughout lunch I felt people looking at me. I don't know if it was the Persofical or the Stretonical groups but I knew there was tension in the air.

A few more minutes passed and I was out of there. Way too much staring. I checked my phone to see if there was something so I pulled up the news but I felt someone watching me. I turned around to be faced my stalked. "What the fuck!" I pushed the boy away. He wore a black shirt that read "villains aren't born, they're created" and gray tights. His over vibe gave off a bad feeling and it wasn't just his t-shirt.

"Sorry I guess it was weird of me to just watch you from behind. The names Brentavion but people just call me Bren." He gave me a toothy smile and held out his hand in greeting. I was reluctant to shake his hand but he grabbed mine and shook with force. "Glad to finally meet you." He mumbled something off to the side that sounded like "finally you see me" but I didn't understand. "Excuse me, did you say something?" I asked but he was quick to say no.

The bell rang and I almost let out a sigh of relief. "I got to go. Bye!" As fast as I could i walked off in the direction of class but I went the long way, without him noticing too much of my weird behavior. Something about him was strange, I should watch my back more.

The rest of the week went on the same way. Phil and Rebecca being escorted by Persoficals, Bren always sneaking up to me in the hallways and asking random questions it just was a weird week. I sat in the lunch room and waited to see Phil enter the cafeteria. The door swished open and I couldn't believe what I saw.

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