#Chapter 32: I can't do anything.

Start from the beginning

"Do whatever you want... just remember your main purpose creating this gang. I don't want to waste my efforts on nothing." Jeremy muttered as he stared coldly in my eyes.

He glared before exiting the room, slamming the door loudly.

"We will find a way to meet her Blake." Tyler smiled weakly at me.

"Stay strong Blake." Patricia smiled sympathetically at me before holding Tyler's hand.

I glanced briefly at their entwined hands before sighing and laid back in bed. I couldn't hold her hands. I remember how I felt as soon as I saw her. When Big daddy answered the call from Jennifer, immediately they took off. I followed them closely and I could not stop myself from getting out of my car when she was there.

I missed her badly as I held her body close to mine. I sighed as I remembered the lavender scent that made my heart race. I fell for her from the very first time I held her. Things had turned out for the worst. I run my fingers through my hairs and grimaced. I have not showered for a week. I sighed.

I went out of the medical room and walked back up to my room. I need this shower to clear my mind. With the recent memories of the past, I had too much on my mind, forgetting my main reason. My main reason as I build this gang, to avenge my mother's death.


(Jennifer's Pov)

I sighed as I look out of the window. Three men in black suits, walking back and forth, scanning the area. It has been this way for a week. I was locked in my room with two bodyguards out of the door, ensuring my 'safety'.

"Miss?" Marissa spoke, knocking softly on my door.

"Come in Marissa." I sighed.

My door was opened and Marissa came in with a tray with her. She smiled at me gently and place the tray on the bedside.

"I brought you breakfast. Do you want anything else?" she asked warmly.

"Thanks but it's okay. Would you mind accompanying me, while I have my breakfast?" I asked, feeling bored.

She chuckled and nod before sitting on the bed as I made space for her. I sighed, making her look at me curiously.

"What's the matter, miss?" she asked as she lifts one of her eyebrows.

"Has dad or Tyson say anything about letting me out of the prison?" I asked bitterly.

"Miss, master and young master were only at home for breakfasts and then they went out." She answered, frowning.

"Why can't they let me out? I can't stand being cooped in the room for a week!" I groaned, throwing my arms out.

"Probably because you sneaked out and then cause trouble?" she asked, pursing her lips at me.

I shrugged, putting the plate of foods on my lap as I ate it in silence. My mind was still on that night when Blake was beaten up badly by Tyson. Tyson injected and made me unconscious. The next thing I know I was locked in my room. 

I rolled my eyes as Marissa went to pick up my clothes around the room while tutting at me.

"Sometimes I wonder if you're a girl in the first place!" she muttered, placing her hands on her hips, frowning at me.

I smiled, sticking out my tongue at her before looking out of the window.

"I heard that the reason your father got mad was because you embraced a gang leader?" she asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Ridiculous! Why can't I hug him? I missed him... When I thought I can finally be with him and tell him about my feelings, I was taken again." I whispered, feeling my tears in my eyes.

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