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I opened the door, and I was instantly attacked in a huge hug by Patrick.

"I'm so glad it wasn't you." He whispered. I hugged him tighter, and closed my eyes.

"Just, please promise me something." I asked, pulling away slightly.


"That you won't try anything dangerous or harmful. I don't want to loose you." I locked eyes with him. He nodded. I sighed, and smiled. I pressed a kiss to his lips.

"Promise me you won't leave me?" He asked when I pulled away.

"I promise. Now let's go drown our worries in pizza and Simpsons." He laugs, but we both still feel the steely weight if what happened to Gerard on our shoulders. Would it ever go away?

A/N: Sorry its so short!  I didn't have a lot if time this week because of a bunch of tests! Sorry, a longer one will be up later this week

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