Batman- You Married Him?!

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Just a cute little imagine I came up with.



I laid in bed starting at the ceiling, my alarm beeping, signaling for me to get up. I sighed and slammed my hand on the clock, hoping I smashed the right button for it to shut up. It went silent and I smiled to myself. I looked to my right and saw my husband of 2 years, Bruce Wayne.

I got out of bed and grabbed my undergarments and went into the bathroom. I took off Bruce's oversized navy blue shirt and folded it. I hopped into the shower and took a quick shower. I quickly changed into a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt with a pair of light brown ankle boots. I left my wavy curly hair natural and but on mascara.

I got out of the bathroom and Bruce was still asleep. I went over and shook him awake. He mumbled and grabbed me and pulled me into his chest. He held onto me like a teddy bear.

"Babe, come on wake up." I said as I ran my fingers through his hair.

His eyes fluttered open and he looked at me with a lazy smile. "Morning beautiful." He said in his morning voice that made my heart flutter.

"Morning handsome." I said as I pecked his cheek. "You need to get ready for work."

"Where are you going?" He asked confused.

"Babe, its Friday." I said a smile on my face. "I got to teach." I said as he started to kiss my neck.

"Stay." He said as he laid me beside him, as he hovered above me. He looked at me with his puppy dogs eyes. "Please." He said as he pecked my lips repeatedly.

"No, remember, I'm going on a field trip to your business, or did you forget Mr.Wayne?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him closer to me.

"That's today?" He asked surprised

I rolled my eyes and pushed his chest to get him off of me, "yes, now get dressed. I'll see you in a hour." I said as I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door.

At Wayne Enterprise

I sighed as the boys in my 11th grade class, kept on touching everything the saw the minute we walked into the building. I rolled my eyes and made sure that everyone was here, and know one had wandered off. I smiled as the girls were watching all of Bruce's handsome male employees walk around in the suits.

"Yo Mrs.W! When is the big man gonna come and talk to us?" Levi one of the kids asked as he walked over to me and throw his arm around my shoulders.

"Soon, Levi be patient, he is a very busy man." I said, Levi nodded his head and his friends surrounded us as they all talked about the upcoming soccer game.

"Mrs.W, you coming to the soccer game?" Hunter asked all the boys looked at me with hopeful eyes.

"You boys know I wouldn't miss it for the world." I said they all cheered and people walking by gave us looks.

"Okay, class come here." I said, they all came and surrounded me. "When you ask Mr.Wayne, make sure they are good questions. Nothing inappropriate, Levi." I said giving Levi a look. He raised his hands up in a surrendering.

"Okay, Mrs.Wayne, Mr.Wayne is ready for the class." His assistant said as she smiled at me kindly. I smiled back and we followed her to a conference room. All the kids took seats, and I sat in the back.

Bruce walked into the room and he gave me a small smile and welcomed the class. "Hello, guys I'm Bruce Wayne. You might all know that already. I'm glad you could all come today." He said. "So any questions?"

Once that came out of his mouth,hands went flying. He chuckled and pointed to a very shy kid that rarely asked questions in class. The kids started to ask questions left and right. Bruce answered them with so much professionalism. They all asked about the company and how was it to own a company, how did he manage a company at such a young age, etc.

"Yo, Mr.W!" Levi shouted as he raised his hand. I faced palmed as Levi shouted, I told him. It to call Bruce Mr.W, before we left the school. That boy never listens.

"Yes sir?" Bruce asked as he pointed at Levi.

"I see you have a wedding ring on, by I never see you with your wife, who is she?" He asked

Bruce looked at me, his eyes locked with mine and I blushed. He looked down and licked his bottom lip. He looked back up and looked at Levi. He chuckled and smiled to himself.

"My wife, is an amazing person, she hates being in the limelight. I was very surprised when she said she would go on a date with me. You guys actually know her pretty well." He said as he looked at me with his gorgeous hazel eyes. You could see that his eyes were lit up with so much love in his eyes.

"You're married to Mrs.Wayne?!" Levi shouted as he grabbed his head as it was gonna explode or something.

"Levi, right?" Bruce asked, Levi nodded his head star stuck that Bruce Wayne knew his name. "You know her as Mrs.Wayne, I know her as Y/N my wife." He said as he looked at me with a smirk and winked.

"Mrs.W, Yo, Mrs.W, you married him?!" Levi shouted again in disbelief.

I looked down and blushed, I smiled to my self. I covered up my smile with my hand and looked up at Bruce. "Yea, I did."


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