Batman (AU) -Friends (Part 1?)

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I kind of want to make this a mini series. Anyway, read this if you want and at the end, comment if I should make it a mini series, and who should play a young Bruce Wayne.



I ran my hand through my Y/C/H hair,I was nervous because today is my first day at a new school. It doesn't help that I'm a senior, most of these kids went to school with the same people since they where little.

"Hey, you must be new, I'm Lexi." A preppy red head girl said as she skipped over to me.

"Yea, I'm Y/N, I moved here from Texas." I said as she looked me up and down.

"Well, welcome to Gotham High." She said as she took my paper from my hands.

I smiled at her as she glanced at my schedule. A smile spread on her face as her eyes scanned every bit of information.

"We have like 5 out of 7 classes together including lunch." She said in a high pitch voice.

"Yeah." I mumbled as she grabbed my hand and lead me to my classes.

I looked at my paper that she had in her hands and saw we were going to math first. Great. It's too early for this mess.

"Mrs.Harmony, we have a new student, her name is Y/N Y/L/N, she moved here from Texas." Lexi said giving out all my information.

Mrs.Harmony gave me a small smile, she had a kind face. I can tell she would be very helpful. Which is good because I suck at math.

"Welcome, Y/N, it's a pleasure to meet you." She said as she put her hand out.

"Pleasure is all mine." I said with a smile as I shook her hand.

"You'll be sitting by Bruce Wayne." She said, I nodded and looked at the class "Bruce raise your hand please." She said

I looked around and saw a hand being raised. The boy who I assumed was Bruce Wayne has shaggy brown hair that swept over his face, big, thick black rimmed glasses covered his face. He had muscle on him, which suited him, he wasn't to skinny or to buff. He had on a black and red flannel and a pair of jeans. I looked into his eyes and the most beautiful hazel eyes where looking back at me.

I blushed and made my way towards the empty desk beside him. I smiled at him as I sat down. He gave me a warm smile before looking back down at his phone.

"Hi, I'm Y/N." I said as I attempted to start a conversation.

"Bruce." He said in a deep, husky, but smooth voice, that made me feel some type of way.

"I know you don't really know me, but can you show me around?" I asked biting my bottom lip as I looked at him.

"I thought Lexi was?" He asked with confusion in his voice.

"She is, well was. Honestly, I just don't like her and I just meet her." I mumbled as I looked at anywhere but him.

He chuckled and lightly shook his head ."Sure." He said "I like you shirt, by the way." He said as he pointed to my shirt.

I smiled as I bit my lip, a small blush spread across my cheeks. I looked at my Deadpool shirt under my black and white flannel. "Thanks."

After class, which took forever to end me get I add. Bruce lead me to my next class Chemistry. We sat at one of the tables and started chatting.

"Y/N, why are you taking to him?" Lexi asked as she glared at Bruce.

Bruce looked down like he was embarrassed. I looked at him then back at Lexi.

"Because he's nice." I mumbled

"No, you can't hang out with him, he's a nerd. He can ruin your reputation." She said as she looked at Bruce with disgust.

"One, don't tell me who I can and can't hang out with. Two, I don't fucking care about my reputation, we are in high school for fuck sakes. Know one will care about that after this year. And three, don't talk about my friend like." I said as I looked her dead in the eyes. Her eyes held fear and I smirked.

"Whatever." She mumbled as she flicked her red hair and walked away.

"Thank you but you didn't have to do that." He said as he rubbed the back of my neck.

"Don't worry about it, we're friends now, Bruce." I said a smile on my face.

"I never had a friend before." He mumbled, he looked down and then looked up at me. "Thank you for being my friend, Y/N." He said a smile on his face, showing off his dimples.

"Your very welcome, Bruce."

So as I said in the beginning, comment if I should continue this and what famous person, should play a young Bruce Wayne.

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