(3) When Newt...

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When Newt admits he likes you...

"Y/n! I'm so happy you could meet me here... in the deadheads... a rather scary spot, I suppose," Newt scratched the back of his neck, realizing that telling you to meet in this exact location probably wasn't the smarted move.

"You sound like you're narrating a murder scene," Y/n was nervous enough meeting the boy she had more than friendship feelings here, and he might be murdering her?!

"No! I- I just realized- I-" He stammered, starting to regret this.

"What is it?" She kindly asked.

He blurted, "I like you!"

Y/n grinned and intertwined their hands saying, "I like you too."

She was ecstatic that he felt the same way.

And that he wasn't going to murder her.

1K VOTES??? Oh my god this is incredible!! Thank you all so much!! I don't even know what to say?!!??


Newt Imagines :) | UNDER CONSTRUCTIONOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora